--- # This file uses standard regular expression syntax, however be mindful # of escaping YAML delimiters too (such as `:`) using double quotes "". binaries: binary_ignore: - \.git/(index|objects) file_audits: file_names: - \.asc - \.gpg - \.key - \.md(2|3|4|5) - \.sha1 - \.sig - \.pcap - \.kdb - \.pypirc - \.pem - \.cer - \.der - \.crt - \.crl - \.p7b - \.p7r - \.spc - \.sst - \.stl - \.pfx - \.p12 - _rsa - _dsa - (irb|plsq|mysql|bash|zsh)_history - (zsh|bash)rc-secrets - \.vimrc - \.gem\/credentials - configuration\.user\.xpl - \.dockercfg - \.npmrc - key(store|ring) - ovpn - secret_token\.rb - omniauth\.rb - carrierwave\.rb - schema\.rb - database\.yml - settings\.py - keychain - backup - credentials\.xml - htpasswd - kwallet - aws_access_key_id - aws_secret_access_key file_contents: private_key: regex: -----BEGIN\sRSA\sPRIVATE\sKEY---- desc: "This looks like it could be a private key" password: regex: (password|passwd)(.*:|.*=.*) desc: "Possible hardcoded password" curl: regex: \bcurl\b desc: "Curl can be used for retrieving objects from untrusted sources" clone: regex: git.*clone desc: "clone blocked as using an non approved external source" dual_ec_drbg: regex: dual_ec_drbg desc: "Insecure cryptographic algorithm" base64_decode: regex: base64_decode desc: "Insecure cryptographic algorithm" gost: regex: gost desc: "Insecure cryptographic algorithm" md245: regex: md[245] desc: "Insecure hashing algorithm" panama: regex: panama desc: "Insecure cryptographic algorithm" private_key2: regex: private_key desc: "This looks like it could be a private key" rc4: regex: rc4 desc: "Rivest Cipher 4 is an insecure stream cipher" ripemd: regex: ripemd desc: "RACE Message Digest is an insecure hashing algorithm" secret: regex: secret desc: "Possible leak of sensitive information" sha: regex: sha[01] desc: "Insecure hashing algorithm" snefru: regex: snefru desc: "Insecure hashing algorithm" ssh_key: regex: ssh_key desc: "Possible leak of private SSH key" sslv: regex: sslv[12] desc: "Insecure SSL Version" streebog: regex: sslv[12] desc: "Insecure cryptographic hashing algorithm" tlsv1: regex: tlsv1 desc: "Insecure TLS Version" wget: regex: wget desc: "WGET is blocked to unknown / untrusted destinations" run_as_root: regex: run_as_root.*=.*True desc: "Its better to use sudo or a rootwrapper" exec: regex: \sexec\s*(\"|\().+(\"|\)) desc: "Exec can be dangerous when used with arbitrary, untrusted code." eval: regex: \beval\b desc: "Eval can be dangerous when used with arbitrary, untrusted code." apprun: regex: app\.run\s*\(.*debug.*=.*True.*\) desc: | "Running flask in debug mode can give away sensitive data" autoescape: regex: autoescape.*=.*False desc: "Not escaping HTML input is vulnerable to XSS attacks." safestring: regex: safestring\.mark_safe.*\(.*\) desc: "Not escaping HTML input is vulnerable to XSS attacks." shelltrue: regex: shell.*=.*True desc: "Shell=True can lead to dangerous shell escapes" tmp: regex: \/tmp\/ desc: | "tmp directories are risky. They are world writable and easily guessed" yamlload: regex: \yaml\.load desc: | "Avoid dangerous file parsing & serialization libs, use yaml.safe_load" telnet: regex: telnet desc: "Avoid coms applications that transmit credentials in clear text" ftp: regex: \bftp\b desc: "Avoid coms applications that transmit credentials in clear text" finger: regex: \bfinger\b desc: "Avoid coms applications that transmit credentials in clear text" allint: regex: 0\.0\.0\.0 desc: "Interface listening on all addresses - may break security zones" file_ignore: - '.rst' - '.md' licence: licence_ext: - '.java' - '.md' - '.py' - '.rb' - '.rst' - '.sh' licence_ignore: - '__init__.py' project_exceptions: - apex: exceptions/apex.yaml - armband: exceptions/armband.yaml - bamboo: exceptions/bamboo.yaml - barometer: exceptions/barometer.yaml - bottlenecks: exceptions/bottlenecks.yaml - calipso: exceptions/calipso.yaml - compass4nfv: exceptions/compass4nfv.yaml - conductor: exceptions/conductor.yaml - copper: exceptions/copper.yaml - cperf: exceptions/cperf.yaml - daisy: exceptions/daisy.yaml - doctor: exceptions/doctor.yaml - dovetail: exceptions/dovetail.yaml - dpacc: exceptions/dpacc.yaml - enfv: exceptions/enfv.yaml - escalator: exceptions/escalator.yaml - fds: exceptions/fds.yaml - functest: exceptions/functest.yaml - octopus: exceptions/octopus.yaml - pharos: exceptions/pharos.yaml - releng: exceptions/releng.yaml - sandbox: exceptions/sandbox.yaml - yardstick: exceptions/yardstick.yaml - infra: exceptions/infra.yaml - ipv6: exceptions/ipv6.yaml - joid: exceptions/joid.yaml - kvmfornfv: exceptions/kvmfornfv.yaml - lsoapi: exceptions/lsoapi.yaml - models: exceptions/models.yaml - moon: exceptions/moon.yaml - multisite: exceptions/multisite.yaml - netready: exceptions/netready.yaml