# When adding projects all `arrays: []` sections must have # a value, Use 'nullvalue' if no waivers are available. # # This file uses standard regular expression syntax, however be mindful # of escaping YAML delimiters too (such as `:`) using double quotes "". binaries: binary_ignore: - \.DS_Store - \.eot - \.gif - \.git/index - \.git/objects - \.ico - \.idx - \.jpeg - \.jpg - \.otf - \.pack - \.pdf - \.png - \.ttf - \.woff file_audits: file_names: - \.asc$ - \.gpg$ - \.key$ - \.md5 - \.sig$ - aws_access_key_id - aws_secret_access_key - id_rsa file_contents: - -----BEGIN\sRSA\sPRIVATE\sKEY---- - "curl(.*?)bash" - "git(.*?)clone" - "sh(.*?)curl" - dual_ec_drbg - eval - gost - md2 - md4 - md5 - panama - private_key - rc4 - ripemd - secret - sha0 - snefru - ssh_key - sslv1 - sslv2 - streebog - tlsv1 - wget licence: licence_ext: - '.java' - '.md' - '.py' - '.rb' - '.rst' - '.sh' licence_ignore: - '__init__.py' project_config: - releng: exceptions/releng_exception.yaml - sandbox: exceptions/sandbox_exception.yaml - testproj: exceptions/sandbox_exception.yaml