--- # When adding projects all `arrays: []` sections must have # a value, Use 'nullvalue' if no waivers are available. # # This file uses standard regular expression syntax, however be mindful # of escaping YAML delimiters too (such as `:`) using double quotes "". binaries: binary_ignore: [nullvalue] file_audits: file_names: [nullvalue] file_contents: - ^# - -s set secret key - "PKG_MAP\\[wget\\]" - "\\[wget\\]=wget" - "git clone(.*)\\.openstack\\.org" - "git clone(.*)gerrit\\.opnfv\\.org" - "name: GIT_CLONE_BASE" - "name: SSH_KEY" - "packages = \\['parted', 'puppet', 'wget'" - "wget http://repo1\\.maven\\.org" - "wget(.*)puppetlabs\\.com" - ^wget \\ - _eval_pods_db - ast\.literal_eva - bifrost_ssh_private_key - cacheValues - elif type wget >/dev/null - eval_collection - eval_db - evaluate - fa-user-secret - fileValidationError - function git_clone - git clone --quiet --branch \$BRANCH \$LAB_CONFIG_URL lab-config - git clone \$MOD \$DEST - git clone the Openstack-Ansible - git clone(.*)\$GIT_BASE(.*)\$WORKSPACE - git clone(.*)\$OPENSTACK_OSA_GIT_URL - git repositories of XCI - git_clone(.*)MOD(.*)MODULE_PATH(.*)MODULE_NAME - github\.com/maestrodev/puppet-wget - if \(name === 'evals'\) - isInfiniteValue - jh_ssh_key='/root/\.ssh/id_rsa' - new = eval\(obj\) - paramiko\.RSAKey\.from_private_key_file\(pkey_file\) - secret not defined - self\.local_ssh_key - self\.proxy_ssh_key - slave_secret - sudo yum -y install wget - user_secrets\.yml - value - wget --directory-prefix=(.*)SNAP_CACHE(.*)snap_url(.*) - wget --version - wget -O /tmp/get-pip\.py - wget -q -O \$ODL_ZIP \$NETVIRT_ARTIFACT_URL - wget > /dev/null - wget \$get_pip_url - wget(.*)WORKSPACE/opnfv\.properties(.*)GS_URL(.*)properties - wget(.*)build\.opnfv\.org - wget(.*)artifacts\.opnfv\.org