path: root/anteater/__init__.py
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-07-01move logging to runtime initRoss Brattain1-0/+4
There are many ways to init logging, but doing import-time logic can cause problems. For yardstick we are doing this type of run-time init in the main program startup. This allows for some flexibiliy since we just set the root loggers. Every other logger is standard, not subclassed Change-Id: I7004a147f03a7104f373141caf9206d8e49a5d4c Signed-off-by: Ross Brattain <ross.b.brattain@intel.com>
2017-05-22Initial code push of Anteaterlhinds1-0/+0
Likely far to much to cover in a commit msg. Main bulk is the Anteater code itself, alongside packaging requirements and build tools and Dockerfile. Unit tests are planned as a follow up, so pushing this for now so that efforts can get underway to integrate the tool with jjb. Questions on how it works, please reach me in IRC. Change-Id: I2cd3cae391f8bf2cdc91b39c56dfc4833a1c4913 Signed-off-by: lhinds <lhinds@redhat.com>