############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corp and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import pytest from qtip.ansible_library.plugins.action import calculate @pytest.fixture() def metrics(): return { "ssl_rsa": { "rsa_sign": [500], "rsa_verify": [600] } } @pytest.fixture() def metric_spec(): return { "name": "ssl_rsa", "workloads": [ {"name": "rsa_sign", "baseline": 500}, {"name": "rsa_verify", "baseline": 600} ] } @pytest.fixture() def section_spec(metric_spec): return { "name": "ssl", "description": "cryptography and SSL/TLS performance", "metrics": [metric_spec] } @pytest.fixture() def qpi_spec(section_spec): return { "name": "compute", "description": "QTIP Performance Index of compute", "sections": [section_spec] } @pytest.fixture() def rsa_sign_baseline(): return {'name': 'rsa_sign', 'baseline': '500'} @pytest.fixture() def rsa_verify_baseline(): return {"name": "rsa_verify", "baseline": 600} @pytest.fixture() def metric_baseline(rsa_sign_baseline, rsa_verify_baseline): return { "name": "ssl_rsa", "workloads": [rsa_sign_baseline, rsa_verify_baseline] } @pytest.fixture() def section_baseline(metric_baseline): return { "name": "ssl", "metrics": [metric_baseline] } @pytest.fixture() def qpi_baseline(section_baseline): return { "name": "compute-baseline", "description": "The baseline for compute QPI", "score": 2048, "sections": [section_baseline] } @pytest.fixture() def metric_result(): return {'score': 1.0, 'name': 'ssl_rsa', 'description': 'metric', 'children': [{'description': 'workload', 'name': 'rsa_sign', 'score': 1.0}, {'description': 'workload', 'name': 'rsa_verify', 'score': 1.0}]} @pytest.fixture() def section_result(metric_result): return {'score': 1.0, 'name': 'ssl', 'description': 'cryptography and SSL/TLS performance', 'children': [metric_result]} @pytest.fixture() def info(): return { "system_info": { "kernel": "4.4.0-72-generic x86_64 (64 bit)", "product": "EC600G3", "os": "Ubuntu 16.04 xenial", "cpu": "2 Deca core Intel Xeon E5-2650 v3s (-HT-MCP-SMP-)", "disk": "1200.3GB (25.1% used)", "memory": "30769.7/128524.1MB" } } @pytest.fixture() def qpi_result(section_result, metrics, info): return {'score': 2048, 'name': 'compute', 'description': 'QTIP Performance Index of compute', 'system_info': info, 'children': [section_result], 'details': { 'spec': "https://git.opnfv.org/qtip/tree/resources/QPI/compute.yaml", 'baseline': "https://git.opnfv.org/qtip/tree/resources/QPI/compute-baseline.json", 'metrics': metrics}} def test_calc_metric(metric_spec, metrics, metric_baseline, metric_result): assert calculate.calc_metric(metric_spec, metrics['ssl_rsa'], metric_baseline) == metric_result def test_calc_section(section_spec, metrics, section_baseline, section_result): assert calculate.calc_section(section_spec, metrics, section_baseline) == section_result def test_calc_qpi(qpi_spec, metrics, qpi_baseline, info, qpi_result): assert calculate.calc_qpi(qpi_spec, metrics, qpi_baseline, info) == qpi_result @pytest.mark.parametrize('metrics, baseline, expected', [ (['612376.96k'], '612376.96k', 1) ]) def test_calc_score(metrics, baseline, expected): assert calculate.calc_score(metrics, baseline) == expected