Scenario: benchmark: fio host: machine_1, machine_2 server: Context: Host_Machines: machine_1: ip: pw: role: host machine_2: ip: pw: role: host Virtual_Machines: Test_Description: Test_category: "Storage" Benchmark: "FIO" Overview: > '''This test will run the FIO benchmark in parallel on host machines "machine_1" and "machine_2".\n The fio job specifications can be found in qtip/benchmarks/fio_jobs/test_job. The job conists of an fio load of: 1.50% rand read 50% rand write 2.Asynch engine 3.Direct IO. 4.Queing depth of 2 if you wish to add another machine add the following information under the Host_Machines tag machine_3: ip: pw: Op3nStack role: host '''