Scenario: benchmark: iperf topology: Client and Server on different baremetal Compute nodes server: machine_1 client: machine_2 benchmark_details: duration: 20 protocol: tcp bandwidthGbps: 10 Context: Host_Machines: machine_1: ip: pw: role: 1-server machine_2: ip: pw: role: 2-host Virtual_Machines: Test_Description: Test_category: "network" Benchmark: "iperf" Overview: > '''This test will run the IPERF benchmark on virutalmachine_1 and virtualmachine_2. On the\n same compute node if you wish to add a host machine add the following information under the Host_Machine tag virtualmachine_1: availability_zone: compute1 OS_image: QTIP_CentOS public_network: 'net04_ext' role: 1-server flavor: m1.large virtualmachine_2: availability_zone: compute2 OS_image: QTIP_CentOS public_network: 'net04_ext' role: 2-host flavor: m1.large machine_1: ip: pw: role: '''