############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## --- # Execute compute benchmark plan and collect data # - system information # - test condition # - performance metrics - hosts: compute pre_tasks: - name: check ssh connection ping: roles: - development-tools post_tasks: - name: create dumping directories file: path: "{{ qtip_dump }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}" state: directory delegate_to: localhost tags: [setup] - hosts: compute roles: - { role: inxi, tags: [inxi, sysinfo] } - { role: unixbench, tags: [unixbench, float, int] } - { role: openssl, tags: [openssl, ssl]} - { role: nDPI, tags: [ndpi, dpi]} - { role: ramspeed, tags: [ramspeed, mem]} post_tasks: - name: calculate QPI of compute calculate: metrics: ssl_rsa: "{{ openssl_rsa_metrics }}" spec: "{{ qtip_resources }}/QPI/compute.yaml" register: qpi_result delegate_to: localhost tags: [calculate] - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: aggregate QPI results from all tested nodes aggregate: group: compute register: pod_result # Generate and publish report - name: create report folder file: path: "{{ qtip_reports }}" state: directory - name: create system information report template: src: "{{ qtip_resources }}/template/system-info.j2" dest: "{{ qtip_reports }}/system-info" - name: create qpi report template: src: "{{ qtip_resources }}/template/qpi-report.j2" dest: "{{ qtip_reports }}/qpi-report" tags: [report] - name: create dpi metrics report template: src: "{{ qtip_resources }}/template/dpi-metrics.j2" dest: "{{ qtip_reports }}/dpi-metrics" tags: [report, dpi] - name: push result to testapi uri: url: "{{ testapi_url }}/results" body: "{{ item|to_json }}" method: POST body_format: json status_code: 200 with_items: - project_name: "{{ project_name }}" case_name: "{{ case_name }}" pod_name: "{{ pod_name }}" installer: "{{ installer }}" version: "{{ version }}" scenario: "{{ scenario }}" start_date: "{{ ansible_date_time.date }}" stop_date: "{{ ansible_date_time.date }}" criteria: "" details: "{{ pod_result }}" tags: [testapi]