# Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

- name: install inxi - Command line system information script for console and IRC
  become: yes
    name: inxi
    state: present

- name: check hardware information with inxi
  command: inxi -b -c0 -n
  register: inxi_out

- name: saving output to log
    content: "{{ inxi_out.stdout }}"
    dest: "{{ logfile }}"
  delegate_to: localhost

# TODO(yujunz) normalize system information, test condition and performance metrics for future data mining
# e.g. convert "2 Deca core Intel Xeon E5-2650 v3s (-HT-MCP-SMP-) speed/max: 1200/3000 MHz" to
# ---
# processor:
#   id:
#     vendor: Intel
#     product_family: Xeon
#     processor_number: E5-2650 v3s
#   number_of_cores: 2
#   number_of_threads: None # set `None` when data is not available
#   base_frequency_mhz: 1200
#   max_turbo_frequency_mhz: 3000
#   cache_mb: None
- name: collect system information from inxi
    string: "{{ lookup('file', logfile) }}"
      - '.+\s+Host:\s+(?P<hostname>.+)\sKernel'
      - '.+\sMemory:\s+(?P<memory>.+MB)\s'
      - '^CPU\(s\):\s+(?P<cpu>.+)\sspeed'
      - '.+\sDistro:\s+(?P<os>.+)'
      - '.+\sKernel:\s+(?P<kernel>.+)\sConsole'
      - '.+\s+HDD Total Size:\s+(?P<disk>.+)\s'
      - '.+\sproduct:\s+(?P<product>.+)\sv'
    dest: "{{ output }}/condition.json"
  register: system_info
  delegate_to: localhost
    - collect

- name: create system information report
    src: system-info.j2
    dest: "{{ output }}/report"
  delegate_to: localhost
    - report