############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from collections import defaultdict import os from os import path import re import socket import sys import time import paramiko from qtip.util.logger import QtipLogger logger = QtipLogger('env').get SCRIPT_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir, 'scripts') KEYNAME = 'QtipKey' PRIVATE_KEY = '{0}/qtip/{1}'.format(os.environ['HOME'], KEYNAME) PUBLIC_KEY = PRIVATE_KEY + '.pub' HOST_FILE = '{0}/qtip/hosts'.format(os.environ['HOME']) def all_files_exist(*files): if len(files) == 0: return False flag = True for f_item in files: flag &= path.isfile(f_item) logger.info("Is {0} existed: {1}".format(f_item, flag)) return flag def clean_file(*files): if len(files) == 0: logger.info('Nothing to clean') return False def clean(f): try: if all_files_exist(f): os.remove(f) logger.info("Removed: {0}".format(f)) else: logger.info("Not exists: {0}".format(f)) return True except OSError as error: logger.error("Not able to Remove: {0}".format(f), error) return False results = map(clean, files) return len(results) == len(files) and False not in results class AnsibleEnvSetup(object): def __init__(self): self.keypair = defaultdict(str) self.hostfile = None self.host_ip_list = [] def setup(self, config={}): try: if 'hostfile' in config: self.check_hostfile(config['hostfile']) else: self.generate_default_hostfile() self.fetch_host_ip_from_hostfile() if 'keypair' in config: self.check_keypair(config['keypair']) else: self.generate_default_keypair() self.pass_keypair_to_remote() self.check_hosts_ssh_connectivity() except Exception as error: logger.info(error) sys.exit(1) def check_keypair(self, keypair): self.keypair = defaultdict(str) if all_files_exist(keypair, '{0}.pub'.format(keypair)): self.keypair['private'] = keypair self.keypair['public'] = '{0}.pub'.format(keypair) else: raise RuntimeError("The keypairs you in the configuration file" " is invalid or not existed.") def generate_default_keypair(self): if not all_files_exist(PRIVATE_KEY, PUBLIC_KEY): logger.info("Generate default keypair {0} under " "{1}".format(KEYNAME, os.environ['HOME'])) cmd = '''ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f {0} -q -b 2048'''.format(PRIVATE_KEY) os.system(cmd) self.keypair['private'] = PRIVATE_KEY self.keypair['public'] = PUBLIC_KEY def pass_keypair_to_remote(self): results = map(lambda ip: self._pass_keypair(ip, self.keypair['private']), self.host_ip_list) if not (len(results) == len(self.host_ip_list) and False not in results): raise RuntimeError("Failed on passing keypair to remote.") @staticmethod def _pass_keypair(ip, private_key): try: os.system('ssh-keyscan %s >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts' % ip) time.sleep(2) ssh_cmd = '%s/qtip_creds.sh %s %s' % (SCRIPT_DIR, ip, private_key) os.system(ssh_cmd) logger.info('Pass keypair to remote hosts {0} successfully'.format(ip)) return True except Exception as error: logger.error(error) return False def check_hostfile(self, hostfile): if all_files_exist(hostfile): self.hostfile = hostfile else: raise RuntimeError( "The hostfile {0} is invalid or not existed.".format(hostfile)) def generate_default_hostfile(self): try: # check whether the file is already existed self.check_hostfile(HOST_FILE) except Exception: logger.info("Generate default hostfile {0} under " "{1}".format(HOST_FILE, os.environ['HOME'])) self._generate_hostfile_via_installer() def _generate_hostfile_via_installer(self): self.hostfile = None installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) installer_ip = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_IP']) if installer_type not in ["fuel"]: raise ValueError("{0} is not supported".format(installer_type)) if not installer_ip: raise ValueError( "The value of environment variable INSTALLER_IP is empty.") cmd = "bash %s/generate_host_file.sh -t %s -i %s -d %s" % \ (SCRIPT_DIR, installer_type, installer_ip, HOST_FILE) os.system(cmd) self.hostfile = HOST_FILE def fetch_host_ip_from_hostfile(self): self.host_ip_list = [] logger.info('Fetch host ips from hostfile...') with open(self.hostfile, 'r') as f: self.host_ip_list = re.findall('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+', f.read()) if self.host_ip_list: logger.info("The remote compute nodes: {0}".format(self.host_ip_list)) else: raise ValueError("The hostfile doesn't include host ip addresses.") def check_hosts_ssh_connectivity(self): results = map(lambda ip: self._ssh_is_ok(ip, self.keypair['private']), self.host_ip_list) if not (len(results) == len(self.host_ip_list) and False not in results): raise RuntimeError("Failed on checking hosts ssh connectivity.") @staticmethod def _ssh_is_ok(ip, private_key, attempts=100): logger.info('Check hosts {0} ssh connectivity...'.format(ip)) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(ip, key_filename=private_key) for attempt in range(attempts): try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('uname') if not stderr.readlines(): logger.info("{0}: SSH test successful.".format(ip)) return True except socket.error: logger.debug("%s times ssh test......failed." % str(attempt + 1)) if attempt == (attempts - 1): return False time.sleep(2) return False def cleanup(self): CI_DEBUG = os.getenv('CI_DEBUG') if CI_DEBUG is not None and CI_DEBUG.lower() == 'true': logger.info("DEBUG Mode: please do cleanup by manual.") else: for ip in self.host_ip_list: logger.info("Cleanup authorized_keys from {0}...".format(ip)) cmd = 'bash {0}/cleanup_creds.sh {1} {2}'.format( SCRIPT_DIR, ip, self.keypair['private']) os.system(cmd) logger.info("Cleanup hostfile and keypair.") clean_file(self.hostfile, self.keypair['private'], self.keypair['public'])