# Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
import pytest
import mock
from qtip.utils.driver import Driver
from os.path import expanduser

HOME_DIR = expanduser('~')

class TestClass:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input, expected", [
          [('host', ['', ''])],
          [('duration', 20), ('protocol', 'tcp'), ('bandwidthGbps', 0)],
          [("", [None]), ("", [None])],
          {'http_proxy': '',
           'https_proxy': '',
           'no_proxy': 'localhost,,10.20.*,192.168.*'}],
         [{'Dest_dir': HOME_DIR + '/qtip/results',
           'ip1': '',
           'ip2': '',
           'installer': 'fuel',
           'workingdir': '/home',
           'fname': 'iperf_bm.yaml',
           'username': 'root',
           'http_proxy': '',
           'https_proxy': '',
           'no_proxy': 'localhost,,10.20.*,192.168.*',
           'duration': 20,
           'protocol': 'tcp',
           'bandwidthGbps': 0,
           "role": "host"}]),
          [('1-server', ['']), ('2-host', [''])],
          [('duration', 20), ('protocol', 'tcp'), ('bandwidthGbps', 0)],
          [('1-server', ''), ('2-host', '')],
         [{'Dest_dir': HOME_DIR + '/qtip/results',
           'ip1': '',
           'ip2': '',
           'installer': 'joid',
           'privateip1': '',
           'workingdir': '/home',
           'fname': 'iperf_vm.yaml',
           'username': 'ubuntu',
           'duration': 20,
           'protocol': 'tcp',
           'bandwidthGbps': 0,
           "role": "1-server"},
          {'Dest_dir': HOME_DIR + '/qtip/results',
           'ip1': '',
           'ip2': '',
           'installer': 'joid',
           'privateip1': '',
           'workingdir': '/home',
           'fname': 'iperf_vm.yaml',
           'username': 'ubuntu',
           'duration': 20,
           'protocol': 'tcp',
           'bandwidthGbps': 0,
           "role": "2-host"}])
    def test_driver_success(self, mock_stats, mock_ansible, test_input, expected):
        mock_ansible.return_value = True
        mock_stats.return_value = [(u'', {'unreachable': 0,
                                                    'skipped': 13,
                                                    'ok': 27,
                                                    'changed': 26,
                                                    'failures': 0}),
                                   ('localhost', {'unreachable': 0,
                                                  'skipped': 0,
                                                  'ok': 6,
                                                  'changed': 6,
                                                  'failures': 0}),
                                   (u'', {'unreachable': 0,
                                                    'skipped': 13,
                                                    'ok': 27,
                                                    'changed': 26,
                                                    'failures': 0})]
        dri = Driver()
        result = dri.drive_bench(test_input[0], test_input[1], test_input[2], test_input[3],
                                 test_input[4], test_input[5], test_input[6], test_input[7])
        call_list = mock_ansible.call_args_list
        for call in call_list:
            call_args, call_kwargs = call
            real_call = call_args[3]
            assert real_call == expected[call_list.index(call)]
        assert result['result'] == 0