import threading from copy import copy from flask_restful import Resource, reqparse from flask_restful_swagger import swagger from qtip.api.model.job_model import JobResponseModel from qtip.utils import args_handler as args_handler from werkzeug.exceptions import abort from legacy.api.handler import db, result_handler class Job(Resource): @swagger.operation( notes='get a job by ID', nickname='get', parameters=[], responseMessages=[ { "code": 200, "message": "Job detail info." }, { "code": 404, "message": "Can't not find the job id XXXXXXX" } ] ) def get(self, id): ret = db.get_job_info(id) return ret if ret else abort(404, " Can't not find the job id %s" % id) @swagger.operation( notes='delete a job by ID', nickname='delete', parameters=[], responseMessages=[ { "code": 200, "message": "Delete successfully" }, { "code": 404, "message": "Can not find job_id XXXXXXXXX" } ] ) def delete(self, id): ret = db.delete_job(id) return {'result': "Delete successfully"} if ret else abort(404, "Can not find job_id %s" % id) class JobList(Resource): @swagger.operation( note='create a job with parameters', nickname='create', parameters=[ { "name": "body", "description": """ "installer_type": The installer type, for example fuel, compass.., "installer_ip": The installer ip of the pod, "max_minutes": If specified, the maximum duration in minutes for any single test iteration, default is '60', "pod_name": If specified, the Pod name, default is 'default', "suite_name": If specified, Test suite name, for example 'compute', 'network', 'storage', default is 'compute', "type": BM or VM,default is 'BM', "benchmark_name": If specified, benchmark name in suite, for example 'dhrystone_bm.yaml', default is all benchmarks in suite with specified type, "testdb_url": test db http url, for example '', "node_name": node name reported to test db """, "required": True, "type": "JobModel", "paramType": "body" } ], type=JobResponseModel.__name__, responseMessages=[ { "code": 200, "message": "Job submitted" }, { "code": 400, "message": "Missing configuration data" }, { "code": 409, "message": "It already has one job running now!" } ] ) def post(self): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('installer_type', type=str, required=True, help='installer_type is required') parser.add_argument('installer_ip', type=str, required=True, help='installer_ip is required') parser.add_argument('max_minutes', type=int, required=False, default=60, help='max_minutes should be integer') parser.add_argument('pod_name', type=str, required=False, default='default', help='pod_name should be string') parser.add_argument('suite_name', type=str, required=False, default='compute', help='suite_name should be string') parser.add_argument('type', type=str, required=False, default='BM', help='type should be BM, VM and ALL') parser.add_argument('benchmark_name', type=str, required=False, default='all', help='benchmark_name should be string') parser.add_argument('testdb_url', type=str, required=False, default=None, help='testdb_url should be test db http url,for example') parser.add_argument('node_name', type=str, required=False, default=None, help='node_name should be string') args = parser.parse_args() if not args_handler.check_suite(args["suite_name"]): return abort(404, 'message:Test suite {0} does not exist under benchmarks/suite'.format(args["suite_name"])) if not args_handler.check_lab_name(args["pod_name"]): return abort(404, 'message: You have specified a lab {0}\ that is not present in test_cases'.format(args['pod_name'])) job_id = db.create_job(args) if not job_id: return abort(409, 'message:It already has one job running now!') benchmarks = args_handler.get_files_in_suite(args["suite_name"], args["type"].lower()) test_cases = args_handler.get_files_in_test_plan(args["pod_name"], args["suite_name"], args["type"].lower()) benchmarks_list = filter(lambda x: x in test_cases, benchmarks) if args["benchmark_name"] in benchmarks_list: benchmarks_list = [args["benchmark_name"]] if (args["benchmark_name"] is not 'all') and args["benchmark_name"] not in benchmarks_list: return abort(404, 'message: Benchmark name {0} does not exist in suit {1}'.format(args["benchmark_name"], args["suite_name"])) state_detail = map(lambda x: {'benchmark': x, 'state': 'idle'}, benchmarks_list) db.update_job_state_detail(job_id, copy(state_detail)) thread_stop = threading.Event() post_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_post, args=(args["installer_type"], benchmarks_list, args["pod_name"], args["suite_name"], job_id, args["testdb_url"], args["node_name"], thread_stop)) db.start_thread(job_id, post_thread, thread_stop) return {'job_id': str(job_id)} def thread_post(self, installer_type, benchmarks_list, pod_name, suite_name, job_id, testdb_url, node_name, stop_event): for benchmark in benchmarks_list: if db.is_job_timeout(job_id) or stop_event.is_set(): break db.update_benchmark_state(job_id, benchmark, 'processing') result = args_handler.prepare_and_run_benchmark(installer_type, '/home', args_handler.get_benchmark_path(pod_name, suite_name, benchmark)) db.update_job_result_detail(job_id, benchmark, copy(result)) db.update_benchmark_state(job_id, benchmark, 'finished') if (result_handler.dump_suite_result(suite_name) and testdb_url): result_handler.push_suite_result_to_db(suite_name, testdb_url, installer_type, node_name) db.finish_job(job_id)