############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Dell Inc, ZTE and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import os import random import socket import sys import time from collections import defaultdict from os.path import expanduser import paramiko import yaml from utils import logger_utils logger = logger_utils.QtipLogger('env_setup').get class Env_setup: roles_ip_list = [] # ROLE and its corresponding IP address list ip_pw_list = [] # IP and password, this will be used to ssh roles_dict = defaultdict(list) ip_pw_dict = defaultdict(list) ip_pip_list = [] vm_parameters = defaultdict(list) benchmark_details = defaultdict() benchmark = '' def __init__(self): print '\nParsing class initiated\n' self.roles_ip_list[:] = [] self.ip_pw_list[:] = [] self.roles_dict.clear() self.ip_pw_dict.clear() self.ip_pip_list[:] = [] self.proxy_info = {} self.vm_parameters.clear() self.benchmark_details.clear() self.benchmark = '' @staticmethod def write_to_file(role): f_name_2 = open('./data/hosts', 'w') print role.items() for k in role: f_name_2.write('[' + k + ']\n') num = len(role[k]) for x in range(num): f_name_2.write(role[k][x] + '\n') f_name_2.close() @staticmethod def ssh_test(hosts): for ip, pw in hosts: print '\nBeginning SSH Test: %s \n' % ip os.system('ssh-keyscan %s >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts' % ip) time.sleep(2) ssh_cmd = './data/qtip_creds.sh %s' % ip print "run command: %s " % ssh_cmd os.system(ssh_cmd) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(ip, key_filename='./data/QtipKey') for attempts in range(100): try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('uname') if not stderr.readlines(): print('SSH successful') break except socket.error: print 'SSH is still unavailable, retry!' time.sleep(2) if attempts == 99: print "Try 99 times, SSH failed: %s" % ip @staticmethod def ping_test(lister, attempts=30): for k, v in lister.iteritems(): time.sleep(10) for val in v: ipvar = val ping_cmd = 'ping -D -c1 {0}'.format(ipvar) for i in range(attempts): if os.system(ping_cmd) != 0: print '\nWaiting for machine\n' time.sleep(10) else: break print ('\n\n %s is UP \n\n ' % ipvar) @staticmethod def fetch_compute_ips(): logger.info("Fetch compute ips through installer") ips = [] installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower()) installer_ip = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_IP']) if installer_type not in ["fuel", "compass"]: raise RuntimeError("%s is not supported" % installer_type) if not installer_ip: raise RuntimeError("undefine environment variable INSTALLER_IP") cmd = "bash ./func/fetch_compute_ips.sh -i %s -a %s" % \ (installer_type, installer_ip) logger.info(cmd) os.system(cmd) home = expanduser("~") with open(home + "/ips.log", "r") as file: data = file.read() if data: ips.extend(data.rstrip('\n').split('\n')) logger.info("All compute ips: %s" % ips) return ips def check_machine_ips(self, host_tag): logger.info("Check machine ips") ips = self.fetch_compute_ips() ips_num = len(ips) num = len(host_tag) if num > ips_num: err = "host num %s > compute ips num %s" % (num, ips_num) raise RuntimeError(err) for x in range(num): hostlabel = 'machine_' + str(x + 1) if host_tag[hostlabel]['ip']: if host_tag[hostlabel]['ip'] in ips: info = "%s's ip %s is defined by test case yaml file" % \ (hostlabel, host_tag[hostlabel]['ip']) logger.info(info) else: err = "%s is not in %s" % (host_tag[hostlabel]['ip'], ips) raise RuntimeError(err) else: host_tag[hostlabel]['ip'] = random.choice(ips) info = "assign ip %s to %s" % (host_tag[hostlabel]['ip'], hostlabel) ips.remove(host_tag[hostlabel]['ip']) def get_host_machine_info(self, host_tag): num = len(host_tag) offset = len(self.roles_ip_list) self.check_machine_ips(host_tag) for x in range(num): hostlabel = 'machine_' + str(x + 1) self.roles_ip_list.insert( offset, (host_tag[hostlabel]['role'], host_tag[hostlabel]['ip'])) self.ip_pw_list.insert( offset, (host_tag[hostlabel]['ip'], host_tag[hostlabel]['pw'])) def get_virtual_machine_info(self, virtual_tag): num = len(virtual_tag) for x in range(num): host_label = 'virtualmachine_' + str(x + 1) for k, v in virtual_tag[host_label].iteritems(): self.vm_parameters[k].append(v) def get_bench_mark_details(self, detail_dic): print detail_dic for k, v in detail_dic.items(): self.benchmark_details[k] = v def parse(self, config_file_path): try: f_name = open(config_file_path, 'r+') doc = yaml.load(f_name) f_name.close() if doc['Scenario']['benchmark']: self.benchmark = doc['Scenario']['benchmark'] if doc['Context']['Virtual_Machines']: self.get_virtual_machine_info(doc['Context']['Virtual_Machines']) if doc['Context']['Host_Machines']: self.get_host_machine_info(doc['Context']['Host_Machines']) if doc.get('Scenario', {}).get('benchmark_details', {}): self.get_bench_mark_details(doc.get('Scenario', {}).get('benchmark_details', {})) if 'Proxy_Environment' in doc['Context'].keys(): self.proxy_info['http_proxy'] = doc['Context']['Proxy_Environment']['http_proxy'] self.proxy_info['https_proxy'] = doc['Context']['Proxy_Environment']['https_proxy'] self.proxy_info['no_proxy'] = doc['Context']['Proxy_Environment']['no_proxy'] for k, v in self.roles_ip_list: self.roles_dict[k].append(v) for k, v in self.ip_pw_list: self.ip_pw_dict[k].append(v) return ( self.benchmark, self.vm_parameters, self.benchmark_details.items(), self.proxy_info) except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'ConfigFile Closed: exiting!' sys.exit(0) def update_ansible(self): self.write_to_file(self.roles_dict) def call_ping_test(self): self.ping_test(self.roles_dict) def call_ssh_test(self): self.ssh_test(self.ip_pw_list)