************** QTIP CLI Usage ************** QTIP consists of a number of benchmarking tools or metrics, grouped under QPI's. QPI's map to the different components of a NFVI ecosystem, such as compute, network and storage. Depending on the type of application, a user may group them under plans. QTIP CLI provides interface to all of the above the components. A help page provides a list of all the commands along with a short description. :: qtip [-h|--help] Typically a complete plan is executed at the target environment. QTIP defaults to a number of sample plans. One may be able to list them using :: qtip plan list One can also be able to view the details about a specific plan. :: qtip plan show where *plan_name* is one of those listed from the previous command. To execute a complete plan :: qtip plan run Similarly, the same commands can be used for the other two components making up the plans, i.e QPI's and metrics. Debug option helps identify the error by providing a detailed traceback. It can be enabled as :: qtip [-d|--debug] plan run