## This is a sample Config.yaml file #Scenario would define the test case scenario. #The benchmark key contains the benchmark to run such as dhrystone,whetstone,dpi,ssh etc. # Host and server list he differnet machines on which the benchmark would run. # On machines lised within hosts, the benchmarks would run in parallel. # On machines listed within server, the benchmarks would run when the benechmarks running on hosts have been completed. # This has been used to control the folow of the testcase. For example, running the testcases on a vm vs hostmachin, we would like to run the test case serially. It should run first on the host machine and then on the vm. This testcase flow control could be used for other testcases to be developed such as those for networking. Scenario: benchmark: dhrystone host: machine_1, machine_2, virtualmachine_1 server: #Context would define the enviironment on wichic to run: #Host Machine keys would contain Host_Machines/ Baremetal machines to run the benchmarks on #e.g in Host Machine , machine_1 and machine_2 are the bare metal machines. For each baremetal machine its IP(which should be reachable from the location on which you run QTIP), passwords and its role(host or server) Context: Host_Machines: machine_1: ip: pw: Op3nStack role: host Virtual_Machines: virtualmachine_1: availability_zone: nova public_network: 'net04_ext' OS_image: QTIP_CentOS flavor: m1.large role: server # A geeral description of the testcase. Could be used later for reports. Test_Description: Test_category: "Compute" Benchmark: "dhrystone" Overview: > ''' This test will run the dhrystone benchmark in serial on machine_1 and machine_2.\n if you wish to add a virtual machine add the following information under the Virtual_Machine tag virtualmachine_1: availability_zone: public_network: OS_image: flavor: role: '''