.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) 2015 Dell Inc.
.. (c) 2016 ZTE Corp.


QTIP currently supports by using a Docker image. Detailed steps
about setting up QTIP can be found below.

To use QTIP you should have access to an OpenStack environment, with at least
Nova, Neutron, Glance, Keystone and Heat installed. Add a brief introduction
to configure OPNFV with this specific installer

Installing QTIP using Docker

QTIP has a Docker images on the docker hub. Pulling opnfv/qtip docker image
from docker hub:

  docker pull opnfv/qtip

Verify that opnfv/qtip has been downloaded. It should be listed as an image by
running the following command.

  docker images

Make dir to store the QTIP image which will be used to create vm in cloud.

  mkdir $HOME/imgstore

Run and enter the Docker instance:
  docker run --name qtip -id -e $envs -v "$HOME/imgstore:/home/opnfv/imgstore" opnfv/qtip
  docker exec -i -t qtip /bin/bash

Now you are in the container and QTIP can be found in the  /repos/qtip and can
be navigated to using the following command.

  cd repos/qtip

OpenStack parameters and credentials

Environment variables

Before running QTIP it is necessary to export OpenStack environment variables
from the OpenStack *openrc* file. This can be done by running the following

  source scripts/get_env_info.sh -n {INSTALLER_TYPE} -i {INSTALLER_IP}
  source opnfv-creds.sh

This provides a ``opnfv-creds.sh`` file which can be sources to get the
environment variables.

QTIP  default key pair

QTIP uses a SSH key pair to connect to the guest image. You should generate key pair
before running QTIP test. And put key pair in the ``config/`` directory.

  ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f config/QtipKey -q

Hardware configuration

Qtip does not have specific hardware requriements, and it can runs over any
OPNFV installer.

Jumphost configuration

Installer Docker on Jumphost, which is used for running Qtip image.

The first step is to install docker:

  sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80
  --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D

Add an entry for your Ubuntu operating system:

  Open the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list file in your favorite editor.

If the file doesn’t exist, create it.

Remove any existing entries.

Add an entry for your Ubuntu operating system.

On Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (LTS)

  deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-trusty main

Update the package manager

  sudo apt-get update

Install Docker:

  sudo apt-get install docker-engine

Starting Docker Daemon:

  sudo service docker start

Platform components configuration

Describe the configuration of each component in the installer