import os import pickle import json import sys os.system('inxi -b -c0 -n > $PWD/est_2') est_ob = open("est_2", "r+") est_ob2 = open("est_1", "w+") in_string ='\n', ' ') cpu_idle = float(os.popen("""top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $8}'""").read().rstrip()) cpu_usage = 100 - cpu_idle est_ob2.write(in_string) est_ob.close() est_ob2.close() Info_dict = {} inxi_host = os.popen("""cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Host:).*(?=Kernel)' """).read().lstrip().rstrip() inxi_mem = os.popen("""cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Memory:).*(?=MB)' """).read().lstrip().rstrip() + "MB" inxi_cpu = os.popen("""cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=CPU).*(?=speed)' | cut -f2 -d':'""").read().lstrip().rstrip() inxi_distro = os.popen(""" cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Distro:).*(?=Machine:)' """).read().rstrip().lstrip() inxi_kernel = os.popen(""" cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Kernel:).*(?=Console:)' """).read().rstrip().lstrip() inxi_HD = os.popen(""" cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=HDD Total Size:).*(?=Info:)' """).read().rstrip().lstrip() inxi_product = os.popen(""" cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=product:).*(?=Mobo:)' """).read().rstrip().lstrip() Info_dict['1_Hostname'] = inxi_host Info_dict['2_Product'] = inxi_product Info_dict['3_OS Distribution'] = inxi_distro Info_dict['4_Kernel'] = inxi_kernel Info_dict['5_CPU'] = inxi_cpu Info_dict['6_CPU_Usage'] = str(round(cpu_usage, 3)) + '%' Info_dict['7_Memory Usage'] = inxi_mem Info_dict['8_Disk usage'] = inxi_HD network_flag = str(sys.argv[1]).rstrip() if (network_flag == 'n'): Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces'] = {} tem_2 = """ cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Network:).*(?=Info:)'""" print os.system(tem_2 + ' > Hello') i = int(os.popen(tem_2 + " | grep -o 'Card' | wc -l ").read()) print i for x in range(1, i + 1): tem = """ cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Card-""" + str(x) + """:).*(?=Card-""" + str(x + 1) + """)'""" if i == 1: tem = """ cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Network:).*(?=Info:)'""" inxi_card_1 = ((os.popen(tem + " | grep -o -P '(?<=Card:).*(?=Drives:)'|sed 's/ *driver:.*//'").read().rstrip().lstrip())) print inxi_card_1 Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)] = {} Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)]['1_Network_Card'] = inxi_card_1 inxi_card_2 = ((os.popen(tem + "| grep -o -P '(?<=Card:).*(?=Drives:)'|sed -e 's/^.*IF: //'").read())).rstrip().lstrip() Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)]['2_Interface_info'] = inxi_card_2 elif x < (i): print "two" inxi_card_1 = ((os.popen(tem + "| sed 's/ *driver:.*//'").read().rstrip().lstrip())) Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)] = {} Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)]['1_Network_Card'] = inxi_card_1 inxi_card_2 = ((os.popen(tem + "|sed -e 's/^.*IF: //'").read())).rstrip().lstrip() Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)]['2_Interface_info'] = inxi_card_2 elif x == i: print "Three" Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)] = {} inxi_card_1 = ((os.popen(""" cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Card-""" + str(x) + """:).*(?=Drives:)'| sed 's/ *driver:.*//' """).read().rstrip().lstrip())) Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)]['1_Network_Card'] = inxi_card_1 inxi_card_2 = ((os.popen(""" cat $PWD/est_1 | grep -o -P '(?<=Card-""" + str(x) + """:).*(?=Drives:)'| sed -e 's/^.*IF: //' """).read().rstrip().lstrip())) Info_dict['9_Network_Interfaces']['Interface_' + str(x)]['2_Interface_info'] = inxi_card_2 else: print "No network cards" os.system("bwm-ng -o plain -c 1 | grep -v '=' | grep -v 'iface' | grep -v '-' > bwm_dump") n_interface = int(os.popen(" cat bwm_dump | grep -v 'total' | wc -l ").read().rstrip()) interface = {} for x in range(1, n_interface): interface_name = os.popen(" cat bwm_dump | awk 'NR==" + str(x) + "' | awk '{print $1}' ").read().rstrip().replace(':', '') interface[str(interface_name)] = {} interface[str(interface_name)]['Rx (KB/s)'] = os.popen(" cat bwm_dump | awk 'NR==" + str(x) + "' | awk '{print $2}' ").read().rstrip() interface[str(interface_name)]['Tx (KB/s)'] = os.popen(" cat bwm_dump | awk 'NR==" + str(x) + "' | awk '{print $4}' ").read().rstrip() interface[str(interface_name)]['Total (KB/s)'] = os.popen(" cat bwm_dump | awk 'NR== " + str(x) + "' | awk '{print $6}' ").read().rstrip() Info_dict['10.Interface I/O'] = interface print Info_dict with open('./sys_info_temp', 'w+')as out_info: pickle.dump(Info_dict, out_info) with open('temp', 'w+') as result_json: json.dump(Info_dict, result_json, indent=4, sort_keys=True)