# QTIP Developer Guide

This guide is about how to **develop** QTIP.

If you just want to use it for performance benchmark, check the user guide

## Getting Started

### Source code

~$ git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/qtip

### VirtualEnv

It is recommended to use [virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io) to isolate
your development environment from system, especially when you are working on
several different projects.

### Testing

QTIP use [tox](https://tox.readthedocs.io) to automate the testing tasks

$ pip install tox
$ tox

Undering macOS system, it will happen to a **fatal error** when installing package `cryptograph`:

'openssl/opensslv.h' file not found
#incude <openssl/opensslv.h>
1 error generated.

It is for macOS uses TLS instead of OpenSSL and no header files supported. The solutions is:

``` code=bash
# brew install openssl

# #add these lines in to your shell profiles, such as .bash_profile, .zshrc
# export CPPFLAGS='-I $openssl_install_path/include'
# export LDFLAGS='-L $openssl_install_path/lib'

### Third Party Code

QTIP includes a few third party code via [subrepo](https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo).
All third party code are stored in `/third-party`.

To pull the changes from remote repository, use

git subrepo pull third-party/<subdir>

It will create a new commit in parent repo, i.e. `qtip`. However, the
auto generated commit message does not include mandatory tags such as
`Change-Id` required by gerrit. You need to manually amend the commit to
append those.

git commit --amend -s

Example of final commit message

Include third party script for license checking and amending
The following commit message are generated automatically by git-subrepo
git subrepo clone git@github.com:openzero-zte/License.git third-party/License

  subdir:   "third-party/License"
  merged:   "61489da"
  origin:   "git@github.com:openzero-zte/License.git"
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "61489da"
  version:  "0.3.0"
  origin:   "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo"
  commit:   "988f8c8"
Change-Id: I8eab86a8ce3f26995af3e3535f31f361b4826a8b
Signed-off-by: Yujun Zhang <zhang.yujunz@zte.com.cn>

Sometimes you may modify the third-party code to adapt it in `qtip`.
To push the changes to remote repository, run

git subrepo push third-party/<subdir>

If you want to include a new repository of third party code. Use

git subrepo clone <remote-url> [<subdir>]