module openstack-identity {
  namespace "urn:opnfv:promise:openstack:identity";
  prefix os-id;
  import access-control-models { prefix acm; }
  import nfv-infrastructure { prefix nfvi; }
  import complex-types { prefix ct; }
  import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; }

    "OpenStack Identity Data Models with complex types and typed instance
     identifiers represent the various Access Control Models available
     within OpenStack.";
  revision 2015-09-03 {
      "This YANG module is modeled using 'yangforge' which natively provides
       complex types and typed instance identifiers.  This module
       provides various collections of resource management data models
       for instance based management";

   * OpenStack Identity Models

  ct:complex-type Project {
    ct:extends acm:Group;
      "OpenStack Project represent a distinct resource consumption space across
       collection of users and groups that can reserve and allocate
    leaf-list groups { type instance-identifer { ct:instance-type acm:Group; } }

    container resource {
      leaf-list images {
        if-feature vm-images;
        type instance-identifier { ct:instance-type nfvi:VirtualMachineImage; }

      leaf-list flavors {
        if-feature compute-flavors;
        type instance-identifier { ct:instance-type nfvi:VirtualMachineFlavor; }

  ct:complex-type User {
    ct:extends acm:User;
      "OpenStack User can also belong to multiple projects.";
    leaf-list projects { type instance-identifier { ct:instance-type Project; } }

  ct:complex-type Group {
    ct:extends acm:Group;

      "OpenStack Group can also belong to multiple projects.";

    leaf-list projects { type instance-identifier { ct:instance-type Project; } }

  ct:complex-type Domain {
    ct:extends acm:Domain;
      "OpenStack Domain represent a distinct administrative domain including projects.";
    ct:instance-list projects { ct:instance-type Project; }

  ct:complex-type Token {
    leaf key { type yang:uuid; }
    leaf identity { type instance-identifier { ct:instance-type Identity; } }

  rpc create-project;
  rpc remove-project;