ANNEX D: Document revision

| Version |      Description                        |
| 1.0.1   | JIRA: PROMISE-23                        |
|         |  - Reference to YangForge Framework     |
|         |  - Corrections to figure 3.1            |
| 1.0.2   | JIRA: PROMISE-11                        |
|         |  - OPNFV Logo Added                     |
|         |  - Alignment to ETSI NFV Specs          |
| 1.0.3   | JIRA: PROMISE-54                        |
|         |  - Use case for Brahmaputra             |
| 1.0.4   | JIRA: PROMISE-60                        |
|         |  - Editorial fixes                      |
|         |                                         |
|         | JIRA: PROMISE-57                        |
|         |  - Split shim-layer architecture and    |
|         |    integrated architecture sections     |
| 1.0.5   | JIRA: PROMISE-61                        |
|         |  - Updated Promise Yang Schema          |
| 1.0.6   | JIRA: PROMISE-62                        |
|         |  - Supported APIs for Brahmaputra       |