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.. _uc-brahmaputra:

ANNEX A: Use case for OPNFV Brahmaputra

A basic resource reservation use case to be realized for OPNFV B-release may
look as follows:

* Step 0: Shim-layer is monitoring/querying available capacity at NFVI

  * Step 0a: Cloud operator creates a new OpenStack tenant user and updates
    quota values for this user

  * Step 0b: The tenant user is creating and instantiating a simple VNF
    (e.g. 1 network, 2 VMs)

  * Step 0c: OpenStack is notifying shim-layer about capacity change for
    this new tenant user

  * Step 0d: Cloud operator can visualize the changes using the GUI

* Step 1: Consumer(NFVO) is sending a reservation request for future use to

* Step 2: Shim-layer is checking for available capacity at the given time

* Step 3: Shim-layer is responding with reservation identifier

* Step 4 (optional): Consumer(NFVO) is sending an update reservation request
  to shim-layer (startTime set to now) -> continue with Steps 2 and 3.

* Step 5: Consumer(VNFM) is requesting the allocation of virtualised resources
  using the reservation identifier in Step 3