# Program arguments
# Define path of output file
output: "yaml" # Values are ("yaml", )

# Server settings

# Address that the client should attempt to connect to. Has no effect on server
server-addr: ""
# Server port, shouldn't need to change
server-port: 12121

# Filepaths for program files

# Define directory for the program to monitor files pushed back by clients
tmppath: "/tmp/pharosqa"
# dhcpd configuration output filepath
confpath: "/etc/pharosqa/"
# Examplepath
sharepath: "/usr/share/pharosqa/"
# Path to inventory file
inventoryfile: "/etc/pharosvalidator/inventory.yaml"
# Path to network file
networkfile: "/etc/pharosvalidator/network.yaml"
# Path to logfile
logfile: "/tmp/runtime_logs.txt"
# Path to test logs
test_log: "/tmp/results.yaml"
# Path to dhcpd configuration file
#dhcpdfile: "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"
dhcpdfile: "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"