* Database ** Setup - sudo -u postgres psql - postgres=# CREATE DATABASE pharos_dashboard - postgres=# CREATE USER opnfv WITH PASSWORD 'opnfvopnfv' - postgres# createuser --interactive - postgres# ALTER ROLE opnfv SET client_encoding TO 'utf8'; - postgres# ALTER ROLE opnfv SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; - postgres# ALTER ROLE opnfv SET timezone TO 'UTC'; - postgres# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pharos_dashboard TO opnfv; ** Dump data - log out all users, stop server - (venv) # python manage.py dumpdata > dashboard/fixtures/.json ** Load dump - setup clean database, run migrate - (venv) # python manage.py loaddata * Django ** Virtualenv setup - # virtualenv venv - # source venv/bin/activate - (venv) # pip install -r requirements.txt ** initializing or after change in models.py - (venv) # python manage.py makemigrations - (venv) # python manage.py migrate ** Development - (venv) # python manage.py runserver - (venv) # python manage.py shell * Dependencies Javascript / CSS dependencies are managed with bower. To install them, you have to install bower, switch directory to the dashboard/static folder and run # bower install Bower will download and install the right versions of all the static files.