""" ############################################################################# #Copyright 2017 Parker Berberian and others # # # #Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # #you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # #You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # #distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # #WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # #limitations under the License. # ############################################################################# """ import time import sys from installer import Installer from api.fuel_api import Fuel_api class Fuel_Installer(Installer): """ This class is the installer for any OPNFV scenarios which use Fuel as the installer. This class uses the libvirt api handler to create all the virtual hosts, then installs fuel and uses the fuel api handler to create and deploy an openstack environment This class will get much smarter and have less configuration hardcoded as we grow support for more OPNFV scenarios """ def __init__(self, doms, nets, libvirt_handler, util): """ init function Calls the super constructor """ super(Fuel_Installer, self).__init__(doms, nets, libvirt_handler, util) url = 'http://'+self.libvirt.host+':8000/' self.handler = Fuel_api(url, self.log, 'admin', 'admin') self.fuelNets = None def bootMaster(self): """ Boots the fuel master node and waits for it to come up """ self.libvirt.bootMaster() time.sleep(100) def bootNodes(self): """ Boots all the slave nodes """ self.libvirt.bootSlaves() def waitForNodes(self, numNodes): """ Waits for the nodes to pxe boot and be recognized by Fuel """ done = False self.log.info("Waiting for %i nodes to boot into Fuel", numNodes) discoveredNodes = 0 while not done: discoveredNodes = len(self.handler.getNodes()) nodes = int(discoveredNodes) self.log.info("found %d nodes", nodes) done = discoveredNodes == numNodes def installMaster(self): """ runs the fuelInstall script, which uses the fuel iso to install fuel onto the master node """ self.util.execRemoteScript("ipnat.sh", [self.libvirt.host]) self.util.execRemoteScript("fuelInstall.sh", [self.util.remoteDir]) def makeOpenstack(self): """ creates an openstack environment and saves the openstack id """ self.osid = self.handler.createOpenstack() def addNodesToOpenstack(self): """ Adds the nodes to the openstack environment with compute / controller + cinder roles """ nodesList = [ {"id": 1, "roles": ["controller", "cinder"]}, {"id": 2, "roles": ["controller", "cinder"]}, {"id": 3, "roles": ["controller", "cinder"]}, {"id": 4, "roles": ["compute"]}, {"id": 5, "roles": ["compute"]} ] self.handler.addNodes(self.osid, nodesList) def configNetworks(self): """ configures the openstack networks by calling the 3 helper methods """ self.configPublicNet() self.configStorageNet() self.configManagementNet() def configPublicNet(self): """ sets the default public network changes the cidr, gateway, and floating ranges """ networks = self.handler.getNetworks(self.osid) for net in networks['networks']: if net['name'] == "public": net["ip_ranges"] = [["", ""]] net['cidr'] = "" net['gateway'] = "" # updates the floating ranges rng = [["", ""]] networks['networking_parameters']['floating_ranges'] = rng self.handler.uploadNetworks(networks, self.osid) def configStorageNet(self): """ sets the default storage network to have the right cidr and gateway, and no vlan """ networks = self.handler.getNetworks(self.osid) for net in networks['networks']: if net['name'] == "storage": net["ip_ranges"] = [["", ""]] net["cidr"] = "" net["meta"]["notation"] = "ip_ranges" net["meta"]["use_gateway"] = True net["gateway"] = "" net["vlan_start"] = None self.handler.uploadNetworks(networks, self.osid) def configManagementNet(self): """ sets the default management net to have the right cidr and gatewar and no vlan """ networks = self.handler.getNetworks(self.osid) for net in networks['networks']: if net['name'] == "management": net["ip_ranges"] = [["", ""]] net["cidr"] = "" net["meta"]["notation"] = "ip_ranges" net["meta"]["use_gateway"] = True net["gateway"] = "" net["vlan_start"] = None self.handler.uploadNetworks(networks, self.osid) # TODO: make this method smarter. I am making too many assumptions about # the order of interfaces and networks def configIfaces(self): """ assigns the proper networks to each interface of the nodes """ for x in range(1, 6): idNum = x ifaceJson = self.handler.getIfaces(idNum) ifaceJson[0]['assigned_networks'] = [ {"id": 1, "name": "fuelweb_admin"}, {"id": 5, "name": "private"} ] ifaceJson[2]['assigned_networks'] = [ {"id": 4, "name": "storage"} ] ifaceJson[3]['assigned_networks'] = [ {"id": 3, "name": "management"} ] if idNum < 4: ifaceJson[1]['assigned_networks'] = [{ "id": 2, "name": "pubic" }] self.handler.setIfaces(idNum, ifaceJson) def clearAdminIface(self, ifaceJson, node): """ makes the admin interface have *only* the admin network assigned to it """ for iface in ifaceJson: if iface['mac'] == node.macs['admin']: iface['assigned_networks'] = [{ "id": 1, "name": "fuelweb_admin" }] def deployOpenstack(self): """ Once openstack is properly configured, this method deploy OS and returns when OS is running """ self.log.info("%s", "Deploying Openstack environment.") self.log.info("%s", "This may take a while") self.handler.deployOpenstack(self.osid) def getKey(self): """ Retrieves authentication tokens for the api handler, while allowing the first few attempts to fail to allow Fuel time to "wake up" """ i = 0 while i < 20: i += 1 try: self.handler.getKey() return except Exception: self.log.warning("%s", "Failed to talk to Fuel api") self.log.warning("Exec try %d/20", i) try: self.handler.getKey() except Exception: self.logger.exception("%s", "Fuel api is unavailable") sys.exit(1) def go(self): """ This method does all the work of this class. It installs the master node, boots the slaves into Fuel, creates and configures OS, and then deploys it and uses NAT to make the horizon dashboard reachable """ self.libvirt.openConnection() self.log.info('%s', 'installing the Fuel master node.') self.log.info('%s', 'This will take some time.') self.installMaster() time.sleep(60) self.getKey() self.log.info('%s', 'The master node is installed.') self.log.info('%s', 'Waiting for bootstrap image to build') self.handler.waitForBootstrap() self.bootNodes() self.waitForNodes(5) self.log.info('%s', "Defining an openstack environment") self.makeOpenstack() self.addNodesToOpenstack() self.log.info('%s', "configuring interfaces...") self.configIfaces() self.log.info('%s', "configuring networks...") self.configNetworks() self.deployOpenstack() horizon = self.handler.getHorizonIP(self.osid) self.util.execRemoteScript( '/horizonNat.sh', [self.libvirt.host, horizon]) notice = "You may access the Openstack dashboard at %s/horizon" self.log.info(notice, self.libvirt.host) self.libvirt.close() self.util.finishDeployment()