<?php function getSlaves() { $query="https://build.opnfv.org/ci/computer/api/xml?tree=computer[displayName,offline,idle]"; $output = file_get_contents($query); $xml = simplexml_load_string($output); if ($xml) return $xml; else return ""; } function getCiSlaves(){ $query="https://build.opnfv.org/ci/label/ci-pod/api/xml?xpath=labelAtom/node[nodeName]&wrapper=nodes"; $output = file_get_contents($query); $xml = simplexml_load_string($output); if ($xml) return $xml; else return ""; } function getAllBuilds(){ $query="https://build.opnfv.org/ci/api/xml?tree=jobs[displayName,url,lastBuild[fullDisplayName,building,builtOn,timestamp,result]]"; $output = file_get_contents($query); $xml = simplexml_load_string($output); if ($xml) return $xml; else return ""; } $SLAVES = getSlaves(); $CI_PODS = getCiSlaves(); $ALL_BUILDS = getAllBuilds(); function getActiveBuilds() { global $ALL_BUILDS; //$query="https://build.opnfv.org/ci/api/xml?tree=jobs[displayName,url,lastBuild[fullDisplayName,building,builtOn,timestamp]]&xpath=hudson/job[lastBuild/building=%27true%27]&wrapper=hudson"; $xml = $ALL_BUILDS->xpath('job[lastBuild/building="true"]'); if ($xml) return $xml; else return ""; } $ACTIVE_BUILDS = getActiveBuilds(); function slaveExists($slave) { global $SLAVES; $slave = $SLAVES->xpath('computer[displayName="'.$slave.'"]'); if ($slave) return true; else return false; } function getSlaveStatus($slave) { global $SLAVES; $status = "unknown"; if (!slaveExists($slave)) return $status; $slave = $SLAVES->xpath('computer[displayName="'.$slave.'"]'); $offline = $slave[0]->offline; if ($offline == "true") $status = "offline"; else $status = "online"; return $status; } function getSlaveUrl($slave) { if (slaveExists($slave)) return "https://build.opnfv.org/ci/computer/".$slave; else return ""; } function isCiPod($slave) { global $CI_PODS; $result = $CI_PODS->xpath('node[nodeName="'.$slave.'"]'); if ($result) return true; else return false; } function isDevPod($slave) { global $CI_PODS; if (isCiPod($slave)) return false; else if (strpos($slave, 'pod') !== false) return true; else return false; } function parseJobString($str) { $scenario = ''; $installer = ''; $branch = ''; $installers = array("fuel", "joid", "apex", "compass"); $branches = array("master","arno", "brahmaputra", "colorado"); $arr = split ('[ -]', $str); for($x = 0; $x < count($arr); $x++) { if (strcmp($arr[$x],"os") == 0) //all the scenarios start with 'os' $scenario = $arr[$x].'-'.$arr[$x+1].'-'.$arr[$x+2].'-'.$arr[$x+3]; else if (in_array($arr[$x], $installers)) $installer = $arr[$x]; else if (in_array($arr[$x], $branches)) $branch = $arr[$x]; } $arr2 = explode(' ', $str); $jobname = $arr2[0]; //take first word as job name return array( "jobname"=>$jobname, "installer"=>$installer, "branch"=>$branch, "scenario"=>$scenario ); } function getJJob($slave) { global $ALL_BUILDS; if (!slaveExists($slave)) return ""; //$builds = $ALL_BUILDS; //$xml = $ALL_BUILDS->xpath('job[lastBuild/building="true"][lastBuild/builtOn="'.$slave.'"]'); $builds = $ALL_BUILDS->xpath('job[lastBuild/builtOn="'.$slave.'"]'); if (! $builds) { //the slave does not have jobs in building state //echo "NO JOBS FOUND"; return ""; } else { //is there any active build? $builds = $ALL_BUILDS->xpath('job[lastBuild/building="true"][lastBuild/builtOn="'.$slave.'"]'); if ($builds) { // there are active builds for this slave //print_r($builds); $child_job = simplexml_import_dom($builds[0]); foreach ($builds as &$build) { $int1 = intval($build->lastBuild->timestamp); $int2 = intval($child_job->lastBuild->timestamp); if ($int1 > $int2) { $child_job = simplexml_import_dom($build); } } $url = strval($child_job->url); $fullDisplayName = $child_job->lastBuild->fullDisplayName; //echo $fullDisplayName."<br>"; $params = parseJobString($fullDisplayName); $type = 0; // type=0 means the job is running $job_params = array( "name"=>$params['jobname'], "url"=>$url, "scenario"=>$params['scenario'], "installer"=>$params['installer'], "branch"=>$params['branch'], "type"=>$type ); //print_r($job_params); return $job_params; } else { // there are NO active builds for this slave, we take the latest build //echo "NO Active builds"; $builds = $ALL_BUILDS->xpath('job[lastBuild/building="false"][lastBuild/builtOn="'.$slave.'"]'); $last_job = simplexml_import_dom($builds[0]); //print_r($last_job); foreach ($builds as &$build) { $int1 = intval($build->lastBuild->timestamp); $int2 = intval($last_job->lastBuild->timestamp); if ($int1 > $int2) { $last_job = simplexml_import_dom($build); } } $url = strval($last_job->url); $result = strval($last_job->lastBuild->result); $fullDisplayName = $last_job->lastBuild->fullDisplayName; $params = parseJobString($fullDisplayName); $type = 3; if ($result == "SUCCESS") $type = 1; // type=1 means it's the last job and it succeded if ($result == "FAILURE") $type = 2; // type=2 means it's the last job and it failed if ($result == "UNSTABLE") $type = 3; // type=3 means it's the last job is unstable $job_params = array( "name"=>$params['jobname'], "url"=>$url, "scenario"=>$params['scenario'], "installer"=>$params['installer'], "branch"=>$params['branch'], "type"=>$type ); return $job_params; //print_r($job_params); } } } /* $slave = "lf-pod2"; $job_params = getJJob($slave); $status = getSlaveStatus($slave); echo "Status slave ".$slave.": ".$status."<br>"; echo "Job: ".$job_params['name']."<br>"; echo "URL: ".$job_params['url']."<br>"; echo "Scenario: ".$job_params['scenario']."<br>"; echo "Installer: ".$job_params['installer']."<br>"; echo "Branch: ".$job_params['branch']."<br>"; echo "Type: ".$job_params['type']."<br>"; */ ?>