.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) 2016 OPNFV.

.. Overview of OPNFV lab infrastructure (Pharos).

OPNFV Lab Infrastructure

The `Pharos Project <https://www.opnfv.org/developers/pharos>`_ provides a lab infrastructure that
is geographically and technically diverse. Labs instantiate **bare-metal** and **virtual**
environments that are accessed remotely by the community and used for OPNFV platform and feature
development, builds, deploys and testing. This will greatly assist in developing a highly robust and
stable OPNFV platform with well understood performance characteristics. Community labs are hosted by
OPNFV member companies on a voluntary basis. The Linux Foundation also hosts an OPNFV lab that
provides centralised CI and other production resources which are linked to community labs.

Future lab capabilities will include the ability easily automate deploy and test of any OPNFV
install scenario in any lab environemnt as well as a *Virtual Lab* for developer on-boarding with
minimal effort. :ref:`pharos_master` documents are included with this release.