.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) 2016 OPNFV. .. _pharos_lab: ************************ ZTE NJ Lab Specification ************************ Introduction ------------ ZTE NJ Pharos lab currently has two PODs available in Nanjing. Each POD has 5 servers, 3 controller nodes and 2 computer nodes. They are dedicatedly used for CI. These PODs focus scenarios related with **test** projects and **installer** projects. There are also several other developing PODs, which are not listed here. Lab Resources ------------- +----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------+------------+--------+-----------+ | POD Name | Project(s) | PTL(s) | Email(s) | POD Role | Status | Notes | +----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------+------------+--------+-----------+ | POD1 | FUEL | Gregory | gelkinbard@mirantis.com | CI: latest | Active | Yardstick | | | | Elkinbard | | | | Funtest | | | | | | | | Doctor | | | | | | | | Parser | +----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------+------------+--------+-----------+ | POD2 | FUEL | Gregory | gelkinbard@mirantis.com | CI: latest | Active | Qtip | | | | Elkinbard | | | | | +----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------+------------+--------+-----------+ * `POD1/POD2 wiki <https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/pharos/ZTE+NJ+Testlab>`_ * `POD1 jenkins slave <https://build.opnfv.org/ci/computer/zte-pod1/>`_ * `POD2 jenkins slave <https://build.opnfv.org/ci/computer/zte-pod2/>`_ Acceptable Usage Policy ----------------------- Resources located in OPNFV ZTE NJ Lab shall only be used for CI, infra setup/configuration and troubleshooting purposes. No development work is allowed in these PODs. Remote Access Infrastructure ---------------------------- ZTE lab provide the OpenVPN access for you. Remote Access Procedure ----------------------- Access to this environment can be granted by sending an e-mail to:"wu.zhihui1@zte.com.cn" Subject: opnfv zte-pod[1-2] access. The following information should be provided in the request: :: Full name: E-mail: Organization: Why is access needed: How long is access needed: What sepcific Host will be accessed: What support is needed from zte admin: Once access requirment is approved, the instructions for setting up VPN access will be send to you by mail. Lab Documentation ----------------- Lab Topology ------------ .. image:: ./images/zte_nj_lab_topoloy.png :alt: POD diagram not found