.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

POD Specification Template


Orange is hosting an OPNFV test lab at Chatillon (near Paris) facility.  The test lab would host 4
(1 controller and 3 computes) baremetal servers for the use of OPNFV community as part of the OPNFV
Pharos Project.

Version: Brahmaputra
Installer: Fuel (with Ceph)

Additional Requirements

Server Specifications


|           |          |         |               |       |        | Local   | Lights-out network  | 1GbE: NIC#/IP    | 10GbE: NIC#/IP   |          |
|  Hostname |  Vendor  | Model   | Serial Number |  CPUs | Memory | storage | (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P | MAC/VLAN/Network | MAC/VLAN/Network | Notes    |
| pod1-     |  JUNIPER | EX-4550 | 750-045407    |       |        |         |        |                  |                  | 32 ports |
| switch    |          |         |               |       |        |         | CC:E1:7F:86:38:80   |                  |                  |          |
|           |          |         |               |       |        |         |                     |                  |                  |          |

**Jump Host**

|           |         |          |               |                |        | Local     | Lights-out network  | 1GbE: NIC#/IP    | 10GbE: NIC#/IP   |       |
|  Hostname |  Vendor | Model    | Serial Number |  CPUs          | Memory | storage   | (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P | MAC/VLAN/Network | MAC/VLAN/Network | Notes |
| pod1-     |  DELL   | Proliant |  CZJ40901PV   |  Intel Xeon    |  16 GB | 300GB SAS |                     | IF0: |                  |       |
| jump-host |         | DL 360e  |               | E5-2430 v2.2   |        | 300GB SAS |                     |                  |                  |       |
|           |         | Gen8     |               | 2,5Ghz 24 core |        |           |                     |                  |                  |       |


|           |         |            |               |             |        | Local     | Lights-out network  | 1GbE: NIC#/IP      | 10GbE: NIC#/IP   |       |
|  Hostname |  Vendor | Model      | Serial Number |  CPUs       | Memory | storage   | (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P | MAC/VLAN/Network   | MAC/VLAN/Network | Notes |
| pod1-     |  IBM    | @Server    |               |  Intel Xeon |   4 GB | 36GB SATA |                     | IF0: |                  |       |
| firewall  |         | xSerie 336 |  KKTVY4M      |             |        | 36GB SATA |                     |                    |                  |       |
|           |         |            |               |             |        |           |                     |                    |                  |       |

**Controller Node**

|            |         |           |               |              |          | Local     | Lights-out network  | 1GbE: NIC#/IP          | 10GbE: NIC#/IP   |       |
|  Hostname  |  Vendor | Model     | Serial Number |  CPUs        | Memory   | storage   | (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P | MAC/VLAN/Network       | MAC/VLAN/Network | Notes |
| pod1-ctrl1 |  HP     |  Proliant |  CZJ40901PT   |  Intel Xeon  |     16GB | 300GB SAS |                     | IF0: 9C:B6:54:95:E4:74 |                  |       |
|            |         |  DL 360e  |               | E5-2430 v2.2 |          | 300GB SAS |                     |      Admin             |                  |       |
|            |         |  Gen8     |               |    2,5Ghz    |          |           |                     | IF1: 9C:B6:54:95:E4:75 |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |    24 core   |          |           |                     |      18: Public        |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |          |           |                     |      1500: Storage     |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |          |           |                     |      17: Management    |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |          |           |                     |      1502: Private     |                  |       |

**Compute Nodes**

|            |         |           |               |              |           | Local      | Lights-out network  | 1GbE: NIC#/IP          | 10GbE: NIC#/IP   |       |
|  Hostname  |  Vendor | Model     | Serial Number |  CPUs        | Memory    | storage    | (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P | MAC/VLAN/Network       | MAC/VLAN/Network | Notes |
| pod1-node1 |  DELL   |  R730     |  8F3J642      |  Intel Xeon  |  128GB    | 250GB SATA |                     | IF0: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:9C |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |  E5-2603 v3  |  (8x16GB) | 480GB SSD  |                     |      Admin             |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |    1,6Ghz    |  1600Mhz  | 480GB SSD  |                     | IF1: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:9A |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |    12 core   |           |            |                     |      18: Public        |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      1500: Storage     |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      17: Management    |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      1502: Private     |                  |       |
| pod1-node2 |  HP     |  Proliant |  CZJ40901PS   |  Intel Xeon  |  16GB     | 300GB SAS  |                     | IF0: 9C:B6:54:95:D4:F0 |                  |       |
|            |         |  DL 360e  |               | E5-2430 v2.2 |           | 300GB SAS  |                     |      Admin             |                  |       |
|            |         |  Gen8     |               |    2,5Ghz    |           |            |                     | IF1: 9C:B6:54:95:D4:F1 |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |    24 core   |           |            |                     |      18: Public        |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      1500: Storage     |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      17: Management    |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      1502: Private     |                  |       |
| pod1-node3 |  DELL   |  R730     |  FG3J642      |  Intel Xeon  |  128GB    | 256GB SATA |                     | IF0: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:E4 |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |  E5-2603 v3  |  (8x16GB) | 480GB SSD  |                     |      Admin             |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |    1,6Ghz    |  1600Mhz  | 480GB SSD  |                     | IF1: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:E2 |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |    12 core   |           |            |                     |      18: Public        |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      1500: Storage     |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      17: Management    |                  |       |
|            |         |           |               |              |           |            |                     |      1502: Private     |                  |       |


| Name | Email | Company | Role | Notes |
|      |       |         |      |       |

Firewall Rules

| Port(s)    | Service    | Note |
| 22, 43, 80 | Jenkins CI |      |

POD Topology

Provide a diagram showing the network topology of the POD. Any security sensitive details should not
be exposed publically and can be stored in the secure Pharos repo. The following diagram is an
example only.

.. image:: ./images/orange_paris_pod1.jpg
   :alt: POD diagram not found