.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) 2016 OPNFV.

.. _pharos_lab:

Lab Specification Template


Add an summary of what your lab hosts, its focus areas and purpose

Lab Resources

| POD Name | Project(s)   | Project Lead(s) | Email(s)     |  POD Role   |  Status | Notes |
| POD1     | Project Name | John Doe        | john@abc.com |  CI: stable |  Active |       |

* **POD Name:** Use consistent naming / numbering to avoid confusion. Hyperlinked to POD description.
* **POD Role:** CI stable, CI latest, Dev/test, Stand-alone, Virtual, ...
* **Status:** Assigned, Configuring, Active, Troubleshooting, Available, ...

Acceptable Usage Policy

Define lab user policies and expectations

Remote Access Infrastructure

Describe lab remote access setup (typically VPN, also link speed, any known restrictions, etc.)

Remote Access Procedure

Define lab process for requesting access to the lab (e.g. VPN guide,
how to modify BIOS settings, etc.)

Lab Documentation

List lab specific documents here

Lab Topology

Provide a diagram showing the network topology of lab including lights-out network. Any security
sensitive details should not be exposed publically. The following diagram is an example only.

.. image:: ./images/lab_topology_example.jpg
   :alt: Lab diagram not found