.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) 2016 OPNFV. *************** Lab Setup Guide *************** Provides an overview for setting up a Pharos lab. A full set of :ref:`pharos_master` documents are maintained in the *pharos* repo. When setting up an OPNFV community lab ... * Provide the Pharos community with details of the intended setup, including ... * Overview of resources are being offered to the community, intended purpose and known limitations * Lab owner name with contacts * Timelines for availablity for development, test, release production, ... * Update the Pharos Wiki with lab details * Lab map, organization, contacts, status, location, resources, role, etc. * `Community labs <https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/pharos#PharosHome-Overview>`_ * :ref:`pharos_wiki` * Update the Pharos project information file "Current Labs" * :ref:`pharos_information` * Create new Wiki pages for lab and POD specific information * Access procedures * Usage guidelines for developers * Update infomtation as PODs are re-assigned or usage/availability changes * Fill Lab and POD templates ... :ref:`pharos_lab` ... :ref:`pharos_pod` * Note that security sensitive lab information should be stored in the secure Pharos repo * Connect PODs to Jenkins/CI