#!/bin/bash # SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Linux Foundation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## set +x set +o errexit export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ # Optional filtering of test matrix: per-lab, per-pod, per-installer # e.g. To check zte-pod{2,3} against all installer adapters: # ./config/utils/check-jinja2.sh zte 'pod(2|3)' FILTER_LAB=${1:-*} # e.g. 'zte' (glob) FILTER_POD=${2:-(pod|virtual)[[:digit:]]+} # e.g. 'pod1' (regex) FILTER_IA=${3:-*} # e.g. 'fuel' (glob) GEN_CFG='python ./config/utils/generate_config.py' INSTALLER_ADAPTERS="./config/installers/${FILTER_IA}" TMPF='/tmp/out.yml' # should be outside Jenkins WS to prevent data leakage RC=0 echo "Using $(yamllint --version)" # Build a table header, using ';' as column sep for adapter in 'PDF Verify Matrix' ${INSTALLER_ADAPTERS}; do SUMMARY+="$(basename "${adapter}");" done # Iterate all PDFs, check with each installer adapter, log results # shellcheck disable=SC2086 while IFS= read -r lab_config; do SUMMARY+="\n${lab_config#labs/};" lab_nodes=$(grep -ce 'node:' "${lab_config}") lab_tmacs=$(grep -ce 'mac_address:' "${lab_config}") ((lab_amacs=lab_tmacs/lab_nodes)); ((lab_nodes-=1)) echo "###################### ${lab_config} ######################" for adapter in ${INSTALLER_ADAPTERS}; do pdf_inst=0 pdf_inst_pass=0 pdf_yaml_pass=0 ia_nodes=$(grep -hPo 'nodes\W+\K\d+' -R "${adapter}" | tail -1) ia_rmacs=$(grep -hPo 'interfaces\W+\K\d+' -R "${adapter}" | sort | tail -1) ((ia_nodes+=1)); ((ia_rmacs+=1)) if [[ ${ia_nodes} -gt ${lab_nodes} ]]; then SUMMARY+='-;' echo -n "[GENERATE] [SKIP] $(basename "${adapter}") requires at least" echo -e " ${ia_nodes} nodes, but found only ${lab_nodes}, skipping.\n" continue fi if [[ ${ia_rmacs} -ge ${lab_amacs} ]]; then SUMMARY+='-;' echo -n "[GENERATE] [SKIP] $(basename "${adapter}") requires at least" echo -e " ${ia_rmacs} nics, but found ~ ${lab_amacs}, skipping.\n" continue fi while IFS= read -r jinja_template; do pdf_gen_cmd="${GEN_CFG} -y ${lab_config} -j ${jinja_template}" if ${pdf_gen_cmd} > "${TMPF}"; then ((pdf_inst_pass+=1)) echo "[GENERATE] [OK] ${pdf_gen_cmd}" if yamllint -s <(sed 's|ENC\[PKCS.*\]|opnfv|g' "${TMPF}"); then ((pdf_yaml_pass+=1)); echo "[YAMLLINT] [OK] yamllint -s ${jinja_template%.j2}" else echo "[YAMLLINT] [ERROR] yamllint -s ${jinja_template%.j2}" fi else echo "[GENERATE] [ERROR] ${pdf_gen_cmd}" RC=1 fi ((pdf_inst+=1)) echo '' done < <(find "${adapter}" -name '*.j2') SUMMARY+="${pdf_yaml_pass}/${pdf_inst_pass}/${pdf_inst};" done done < <(find labs/${FILTER_LAB} -regextype egrep \ -regex "labs/.+/${FILTER_POD}.yaml") rm -f "${TMPF}" cat <<EOF ###################### Result Matrix ###################### NOTE: tuple fmt: (valid YAML output/sucessful parse/templates). $(echo -e "${SUMMARY}" | sed -e 's/^/;/g' -e 's/;/;| /g' | column -t -s ';') To troubleshoot PDF parsing against a specific installer adapter, execute the following commands locally (e.g. for zte-pod2/joid): $ ./config/utils/generate_config.py \\ -y labs/zte/pod2.yaml \\ -j config/installers/joid/pod_config.yaml.j2 EOF exit "${RC}"