diff options
4 files changed, 234 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/config/installers/daisy/network-dpdk.yaml.j2 b/config/installers/daisy/network-dpdk.yaml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index ccd7c8c5..00000000
--- a/config/installers/daisy/network-dpdk.yaml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Description
-# MANAGEMENT: used for management
-# STORAGE: used for storage access
-# EXTERNAL: tenant public/floating IP associated network
-# PUBLICAPI: used for horizon access, openstack API access
-# TENANT: used for tenant access, vlan and VxLan supported, default VxLan
-# HEARTBEAT: used for heartbeat, requires a dedicated interface
- title: 'Deployment Adapter for baremetal POD'
- version: '0.1'
- created: 'Nov 22 2017'
- comment: 'For Daisy initial'
-{%- set mapping = {'HEARTBEAT': 'admin',
- 'MANAGEMENT': 'mgmt',
- 'PUBLICAPI': 'mgmt',
- 'STORAGE': 'storage',
- 'TENANT': 'public',
- 'EXTERNAL': 'public'} -%}
-{%- if "idf" in conf and ("daisy" in conf["idf"] or "fuel" in conf["idf"]) -%}
- {%- if "daisy" in conf["idf"] -%}
- {%- set installer = "daisy" -%}
- {%- else -%}
- {%- set installer = "fuel" -%}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- set nodes_num = conf['nodes'] | length -%}
- {%- set networks = {} -%}
- {%- for key in mapping -%}
- {%- set net_data = conf['net_config'][mapping[key]] -%}
- {%- set interface = net_data['interface'] -%}
- {%- set interface_name = conf.idf[installer].network.node[0].interfaces[interface] -%}
- {%- set bus_addr = conf.idf[installer].network.node[0].busaddr[interface] -%}
- {%- set vlan = net_data['vlan'] -%}
- {%- if vlan == "native" or vlan == None -%}
- {%- set vlan = "null" -%}
- {%- endif -%}
- {%- set network = net_data['network'] -%}
- {%- set ips = network.split(".") -%}
- {%- set mask = net_data['mask'] -%}
- {%- if 'ip-range' in net_data -%}
- {%- set ip_range = net_data['ip-range'] -%}
- {%- set (start, end) = ip_range.split("-") -%}
- {%- else -%}
- {%- set start = ".".join([ips[0], ips[1], ips[2], "10"]) -%}
- {%- set end = ".".join([ips[0], ips[1], ips[2], "200"]) -%}
- {%- endif -%}
- {%- set vip = start.split(".")[3] | int -%}
- {%- set vip = vip + nodes_num + 10 - (vip + nodes_num) % 10 -%}
- {%- set vip = ".".join([ips[0], ips[1], ips[2], vip | string]) -%}
- {%- if 'gateway' in net_data -%}
- {%- set gateway = net_data.gateway -%}
- {%- else -%}
- {%- set gateway = ".".join([ips[0], ips[1], ips[2], "1"]) -%}
- {%- endif -%}
- {%- set networks = networks.update({key: {'interface_name': interface_name,
- 'bus_addr': bus_addr,
- 'vlan': vlan,
- 'network': network,
- 'mask': mask,
- 'start': start,
- 'end': end,
- 'vip': vip,
- 'gateway': gateway
- }
- }) %}
- - cidr: '{{ network }}/{{ mask }}'
- gateway: '{{ gateway }}'
- ip_ranges:
- - 'start': '{{ start }}'
- 'end': '{{ end }}'
- vlan_id: {{ vlan }}
- name: '{{ key }}'
- {%- if key == 'EXTERNAL' %}
- network_name: 'admin_external'
- mapping: 'physnet1'
- {%- endif -%}
- {%- endfor %}
- {%- for key in mapping %}
- - name: '{{ key }}'
- interface: '{{ networks[key].interface_name }}'
- {%- endfor %}
-internal_vip: '{{ networks['MANAGEMENT'].vip }}'
-public_vip: '{{ networks['PUBLICAPI'].vip }}'
-{%- endif %}
diff --git a/config/installers/daisy/pod_config.yaml.j2 b/config/installers/daisy/pod_config.yaml.j2
index 776d2ecf..3e4ab106 100644
--- a/config/installers/daisy/pod_config.yaml.j2
+++ b/config/installers/daisy/pod_config.yaml.j2
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
adapter: {{ conf['jumphost']['remote_params']['type'] }}
+ {%- set nodes_num = conf['nodes'] | length -%}
+ {%- if nodes_num == 5 %}
- name: 'controller01'
@@ -51,6 +53,33 @@ hosts:
ipmi_pass: {{ conf['nodes'][4]['remote_management']['pass'] }}
mac_addresses:{% for nic in conf['nodes'][4]['interfaces'] %}
- {{ nic['mac_address'] }}{% endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if nodes_num == 3 %}
+ - name: 'controller01'
+ roles:
+ ipmi_ip: {{ conf['nodes'][0]['remote_management']['address'] }}
+ ipmi_user: {{ conf['nodes'][0]['remote_management']['user'] }}
+ ipmi_pass: {{ conf['nodes'][0]['remote_management']['pass'] }}
+ mac_addresses:{% for nic in conf['nodes'][0]['interfaces'] %}
+ - {{ nic['mac_address'] }}{% endfor %}
+ - name: 'computer01'
+ roles:
+ ipmi_ip: {{ conf['nodes'][1]['remote_management']['address'] }}
+ ipmi_user: {{ conf['nodes'][1]['remote_management']['user'] }}
+ ipmi_pass: {{ conf['nodes'][1]['remote_management']['pass'] }}
+ mac_addresses:{% for nic in conf['nodes'][1]['interfaces'] %}
+ - {{ nic['mac_address'] }}{% endfor %}
+ - name: 'computer02'
+ roles:
+ ipmi_ip: {{ conf['nodes'][2]['remote_management']['address'] }}
+ ipmi_user: {{ conf['nodes'][2]['remote_management']['user'] }}
+ ipmi_pass: {{ conf['nodes'][2]['remote_management']['pass'] }}
+ mac_addresses:{% for nic in conf['nodes'][2]['interfaces'] %}
+ - {{ nic['mac_address'] }}{% endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
daisy: 50
daisy_passwd: 'r00tme'
diff --git a/labs/zte/idf-pod9.yaml b/labs/zte/idf-pod9.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61a225dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/zte/idf-pod9.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 ZTE, Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+### ZTE POD 9 installer descriptor file ###
+ version: 0.1
+ net_config:
+ # NOTE: Network names are likely to change after the PDF spec is updated
+ oob:
+ interface: 0
+ ip-range:
+ vlan: null
+ admin:
+ interface: 0
+ vlan: null
+ network:
+ mask: 24
+ mgmt:
+ interface: 0
+ vlan: null
+ network:
+ mask: 24
+ storage:
+ interface: 0
+ vlan: null
+ network:
+ mask: 24
+ private:
+ interface: 1
+ vlan: null
+ network:
+ mask: 24
+ public:
+ interface: 1
+ vlan: null
+ network:
+ mask: 24
+ gateway:
+ dns:
+ -
+ daisy:
+ jumphost:
+ bridges:
+ admin: 'br0'
+ network:
+ node:
+ # Ordered-list, index should be in sync with node index in PDF
+ - interfaces: &interfaces
+ # Ordered-list, index should be in sync with interface index in PDF
+ - 'ens4f0'
+ - 'ens44f0'
+ busaddr: &busaddr
+ # Bus-info reported by `ethtool -i ethX`
+ - '0000:01:00.0'
+ - '0000:81:00.0'
+ - interfaces: *interfaces
+ busaddr: *busaddr
+ - interfaces: *interfaces
+ busaddr: *busaddr
+ - interfaces: *interfaces
+ busaddr: *busaddr
+ - interfaces: *interfaces
+ busaddr: *busaddr
diff --git a/labs/zte/pod9.yaml b/labs/zte/pod9.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ffd20a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/zte/pod9.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 ZTE, Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+### ZTE POD 9 descriptor file ###
+ pod_owner: Zhiijang Hu
+ contact:
+ lab: ZTE Pharos Lab
+ location: Nanjing, China
+ type: production
+ link:
+ name: pod9-jump
+ node:
+ type: baremetal
+ vendor: ZTE
+ model: R5300
+ arch: x86_64
+ cpus: 2
+ cpu_cflags: haswell
+ cores: 12
+ memory: 35G
+ disks:
+ - name: 'disk1'
+ disk_capacity: 107G
+ disk_type: hdd
+ disk_interface: sas
+ disk_rotation: 10500
+ os: CentOS-7
+ remote_params: &remote_params
+ type: ipmi
+ versions:
+ - 2.0
+ user: >
+ IrDbb8KXzyuKXK82u4KPaCxS1dmQehyba6WHih9euMrDFVTobZ/EIW4cKEvx
+ oS7DoFRDh3j9+lAE35ggHPWQnkGhgERUuMUtyia4xk+EURG/wO0iQhxrNoUg
+ fKe1jbuKq4Tr1ldunYJqmxtZn/SwVWiJfoGRIdFGJ0iO6ApVnqDIC+5IeBVv
+ gm9BLT39o7M37rY/5AQt0SoTRtnQo2kKhjUsp+46LL3/tQBlzZBLCsGwskru
+ qcZmWlg9SsLePSkqrLBiNeL1EJVu7VRdikKWu43qRLZSMhEQsu6rqkeCviYu
+ 36+DgBB7IJHcJciyO0PTGqIs58OH]
+ pass: >
+ Jj0F524a8mojWB3GGSi0tdy+ZcBotTgMFm5yV4JaSmUi7f+w+3T5y7e7meKB
+ MmnuGq8AOKOfSxnI8+sUOcY8zLgNaztZk0dv/PzLydoSc5k+1uqHkakcPBHy
+ dJW9rWLSKcbFUHSOWI+tcKxx5UYY26BdqNy77YRu5ZnbW1z+xHmpcXuU4XHY
+ +Dt1qb1EkkOQ9p0wuBRNsn+xCLFNHv5tKod3nsQk0fkPsMSRGY57rSkPs8HI
+ bmkmoII5biA02bTjtb3jATPoH5mMa7hU8aaZM1qkXCejP2QIDikAgyWeiMp8
+ WSgUgBDYj5D5l/12XoUNXxGDebYT]
+ remote_management:
+ <<: *remote_params
+ address:
+ mac_address:
+ interfaces:
+ - mac_address: "00:1b:21:89:30:87"
+ speed: 10gb
+ fixed_ips:
+ admin:
+ public:
+ - name: pod9-node1
+ node: &nodeparas
+ type: baremetal
+ vendor: ZTE
+ model: E9000
+ arch: x86_64
+ cpus: 2
+ cpu_cflags: hasewell
+ cores: 14
+ memory: 128G
+ disks:
+ - name: 'disk1'
+ disk_capacity: 1198G
+ disk_type: hdd
+ disk_interface: sas
+ disk_rotation: 10000
+ remote_management:
+ <<: *remote_params
+ address:
+ mac_address: "74:4a:a4:03:bf:93"
+ interfaces:
+ - mac_address: "74:4a:a4:03:bf:96"
+ speed: 1gb
+ features: null
+ - mac_address: "74:4a:a4:05:ee:86"
+ speed: 10gb
+ features: dpdk|sriov
+ - name: pod9-node2
+ node: *nodeparas
+ disks: &disks
+ - name: 'disk1'
+ disk_capacity: 600G
+ disk_type: hdd
+ disk_interface: sas
+ disk_rotation: 10000
+ - name: 'disk2'
+ disk_capacity: 600G
+ disk_type: hdd
+ disk_interface: sas
+ disk_rotation: 10000
+ remote_management:
+ <<: *remote_params
+ address:
+ mac_address: "74:4a:a4:03:bf:c3"
+ interfaces:
+ - mac_address: "74:4a:a4:03:bf:c6"
+ speed: 1gb
+ features: null
+ - mac_address: "74:4a:a4:05:ee:9a"
+ speed: 10gb
+ features: dpdk|sriov
+ - name: pod9-node3
+ node: *nodeparas
+ disks: *disks
+ remote_management:
+ <<: *remote_params
+ address:
+ mac_address: "74:4a:a4:03:bf:fb"
+ interfaces:
+ - mac_address: "74:4a:a4:03:bf:fe"
+ speed: 1gb
+ features: null
+ - mac_address: "74:4a:a4:05:ee:7e"
+ speed: 10gb
+ features: dpdk|sriov