############################################################################## # Copyright 2017 Parker Berberian and Others # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################## import ldap import os import random from base64 import b64encode from st2actions.runners.pythonrunner import Action names = [ 'frodo_baggins', 'samwise_gamgee', 'peregrin_took', 'meriadoc_brandybuck', 'bilbo_baggins', 'gandalf_grey', 'aragorn_dunadan', 'arwen_evenstar', 'saruman_white', 'pippin_took', 'merry _randybuck', 'legolas_greenleaf', 'gimli_gloin', 'anakin_skywalker', 'padme_amidala', 'han_solo', 'jabba_hut', 'mace_windu', 'count_dooku', 'qui-gon_jinn', 'admiral_ackbar', 'emperor_palpatine' ] class VPNAction(Action): """ This class communicates with the ldap server to manage vpn users. This class extends the above ABC, and implements the makeNewUser, removeOldUser, and __init__ abstract functions you must override to extend the VPN_BaseClass """ def __init__(self, config=None): """ init takes the parsed vpn config file as an arguement. automatically connects and authenticates on the ldap server based on the configuration file """ self.config = config['vpn'] server = self.config['server'] self.uri = "ldap://"+server self.conn = None user = self.config['authentication']['user'] pswd = self.config['authentication']['pass'] if os.path.isfile(pswd): pswd = open(pswd).read() self.connect(user, pswd) def connect(self, root_dn, root_pass): """ Opens a connection to the server in the config file and authenticates as the given user """ self.conn = ldap.initialize(self.uri) self.conn.simple_bind_s(root_dn, root_pass) def addUser(self, full_name, passwd): """ Adds a user to the ldap server. Creates the new user with the classes and in the directory given in the config file. full_name should be two tokens seperated by a space. The first token will become the username private helper function for the makeNewUser() """ full_name = str(full_name) passwd = str(passwd) # avoids unicode bug first = full_name.split('_')[0] last = full_name.split('_')[1] user_dir = self.config['directory']['user'] user_dir += ','+self.config['directory']['root'] user_dir = str(user_dir) dn = "uid=" + first + ',' + user_dir record = [ ('objectclass', ['top', 'inetOrgPerson']), ('uid', first), ('cn', full_name), ('sn', last), ('userpassword', passwd), ('ou', str(self.config['directory']['user'].split('=')[1])) ] self.conn.add_s(dn, record) return first, dn def makeNewUser(self, name=None, passwd=None): """ creates a new user in the ldap database, with the given name if supplied. If no name is given, we will try to select from the pre-written list above, and will resort to generating a random string as a username if the preconfigured names are all taken. Returns the username and password the user needs to authenticate, and the dn that we can use to manage the user. """ if name is None: i = 0 while not self.checkName(name): i += 1 if i == 20: name = self.randoString(8) name += ' '+self.randoString(8) break # generates a random name to prevent infinite loop name = self.genUserName() if passwd is None: passwd = self.randoString(15) username, dn = self.addUser(name, passwd) return username, passwd, dn def checkName(self, name): """ returns true if the name is available """ if name is None: return False uid = name.split('_')[0] base = self.config['directory']['user'] + ',' base += self.config['directory']['root'] filtr = '(uid=' + uid + ')' timeout = 5 ans = self.conn.search_st( base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filtr, timeout=timeout ) return len(ans) < 1 @staticmethod def randoString(n): """ uses /dev/urandom to generate a random string of length n """ n = int(n) # defines valid characters alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' alpha_num = alpha alpha_num += alpha.upper() alpha_num += "0123456789" # generates random string from /dev/urandom rnd = b64encode(os.urandom(3*n)).decode('utf-8') random_string = '' for char in rnd: if char in alpha_num: random_string += char return str(random_string[:n]) def genUserName(self): """ grabs a random name from the list above """ i = random.randint(0, len(names) - 1) return names[i] def deleteUser(self, dn): dn = str(dn) # avoids unicode bug self.conn.delete(dn) def getAllUsers(self): """ returns all the user dn's in the ldap database in a list """ base = self.config['directory']['user'] + ',' base += self.config['directory']['root'] filtr = '(objectclass='+self.config['user']['objects'][-1]+')' timeout = 10 ans = self.conn.search_st( base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filtr, timeout=timeout ) users = [] for user in ans: users.append(user[0]) # adds the dn of each user return users