############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Parker Berberian, Sawyer Bergeron, and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from django.shortcuts import render from django.forms import formset_factory from django.conf import settings import json import re from xml.dom import minidom from workflow.models import WorkflowStep from account.models import Lab from workflow.forms import ( HardwareDefinitionForm, NetworkDefinitionForm, ResourceMetaForm, GenericHostMetaForm ) from resource_inventory.models import ( GenericResourceBundle, GenericInterface, GenericHost, GenericResource, HostProfile, Network, NetworkConnection ) from dashboard.exceptions import ( InvalidVlanConfigurationException, NetworkExistsException, InvalidHostnameException, NonUniqueHostnameException, ResourceAvailabilityException ) import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Define_Hardware(WorkflowStep): template = 'resource/steps/define_hardware.html' title = "Define Hardware" description = "Choose the type and amount of machines you want" short_title = "hosts" def get_context(self): context = super(Define_Hardware, self).get_context() selection_data = {"hosts": {}, "labs": {}} models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) hosts = models.get("hosts", []) for host in hosts: profile_id = "host_" + str(host.profile.id) if profile_id not in selection_data['hosts']: selection_data['hosts'][profile_id] = [] selection_data['hosts'][profile_id].append({"host_name": host.resource.name, "class": profile_id}) if models.get("bundle", GenericResourceBundle()).lab: selection_data['labs'] = {"lab_" + str(models.get("bundle").lab.lab_user.id): "true"} form = HardwareDefinitionForm( selection_data=selection_data ) context['form'] = form return context def render(self, request): self.context = self.get_context() return render(request, self.template, self.context) def update_models(self, data): data = json.loads(data['filter_field']) models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) models['hosts'] = [] # This will always clear existing data when this step changes models['interfaces'] = {} if "bundle" not in models: models['bundle'] = GenericResourceBundle(owner=self.repo_get(self.repo.SESSION_USER)) host_data = data['hosts'] names = {} for host_dict in host_data: id = host_dict['class'] # bit of formatting id = int(id.split("_")[-1]) profile = HostProfile.objects.get(id=id) # instantiate genericHost and store in repo name = host_dict['host_name'] if not re.match(r"(?=^.{1,253}$)(^([A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,62}\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,63})", name): raise InvalidHostnameException("Hostname must comply to RFC 952 and all extensions to it until this point") if name in names: raise NonUniqueHostnameException("All hosts must have unique names") names[name] = True genericResource = GenericResource(bundle=models['bundle'], name=name) genericHost = GenericHost(profile=profile, resource=genericResource) models['hosts'].append(genericHost) for interface_profile in profile.interfaceprofile.all(): genericInterface = GenericInterface(profile=interface_profile, host=genericHost) if genericHost.resource.name not in models['interfaces']: models['interfaces'][genericHost.resource.name] = [] models['interfaces'][genericHost.resource.name].append(genericInterface) # add selected lab to models for lab_dict in data['labs']: if list(lab_dict.values())[0]: # True for lab the user selected lab_user_id = int(list(lab_dict.keys())[0].split("_")[-1]) models['bundle'].lab = Lab.objects.get(lab_user__id=lab_user_id) break # if somehow we get two 'true' labs, we only use one # return to repo self.repo_put(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, models) def update_confirmation(self): confirm = self.repo_get(self.repo.CONFIRMATION, {}) if "resource" not in confirm: confirm['resource'] = {} confirm['resource']['hosts'] = [] models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {"hosts": []}) for host in models['hosts']: host_dict = {"name": host.resource.name, "profile": host.profile.name} confirm['resource']['hosts'].append(host_dict) if "lab" in models: confirm['resource']['lab'] = models['lab'].lab_user.username self.repo_put(self.repo.CONFIRMATION, confirm) def post_render(self, request): try: self.form = HardwareDefinitionForm(request.POST) if self.form.is_valid(): if len(json.loads(self.form.cleaned_data['filter_field'])['labs']) != 1: self.metastep.set_invalid("Please select one lab") else: self.update_models(self.form.cleaned_data) self.update_confirmation() self.metastep.set_valid("Step Completed") else: self.metastep.set_invalid("Please complete the fields highlighted in red to continue") pass except Exception as e: self.metastep.set_invalid(str(e)) self.context = self.get_context() return render(request, self.template, self.context) class Define_Nets(WorkflowStep): template = 'resource/steps/pod_definition.html' title = "Define Networks" description = "Use the tool below to draw the network topology of your POD" short_title = "networking" form = NetworkDefinitionForm def get_vlans(self): vlans = self.repo_get(self.repo.VLANS) if vlans: return vlans # try to grab some vlans from lab models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) if "bundle" not in models: return None lab = models['bundle'].lab if lab is None or lab.vlan_manager is None: return None try: vlans = lab.vlan_manager.get_vlan(count=lab.vlan_manager.block_size) self.repo_put(self.repo.VLANS, vlans) return vlans except Exception: return None def get_context(self): # TODO: render *primarily* on hosts in repo models context = super(Define_Nets, self).get_context() context['form'] = NetworkDefinitionForm() try: context['hosts'] = [] models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) vlans = self.get_vlans() if vlans: context['vlans'] = vlans hosts = models.get("hosts", []) hostlist = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRB_LAST_HOSTLIST, None) added_list = [] added_dict = {} context['debug'] = settings.DEBUG context['added_hosts'] = [] if hostlist is not None: new_hostlist = [] for host in models['hosts']: intcount = host.profile.interfaceprofile.count() new_hostlist.append(str(host.resource.name) + "*" + str(host.profile) + "&" + str(intcount)) context['removed_hosts'] = list(set(hostlist) - set(new_hostlist)) added_list = list(set(new_hostlist) - set(hostlist)) for hoststr in added_list: key = hoststr.split("*")[0] added_dict[key] = hoststr for generic_host in hosts: host_profile = generic_host.profile host = {} host['id'] = generic_host.resource.name host['interfaces'] = [] for iface in host_profile.interfaceprofile.all(): host['interfaces'].append( { "name": iface.name, "description": "speed: " + str(iface.speed) + "M\ntype: " + iface.nic_type } ) host['value'] = {"name": generic_host.resource.name} host['value']['description'] = generic_host.profile.description context['hosts'].append(json.dumps(host)) if host['id'] in added_dict: context['added_hosts'].append(json.dumps(host)) bundle = models.get("bundle", False) if bundle and bundle.xml: context['xml'] = bundle.xml else: context['xml'] = False except Exception: pass return context def post_render(self, request): models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) if 'hosts' in models: hostlist = [] for host in models['hosts']: intcount = host.profile.interfaceprofile.count() hostlist.append(str(host.resource.name) + "*" + str(host.profile) + "&" + str(intcount)) self.repo_put(self.repo.GRB_LAST_HOSTLIST, hostlist) try: xmlData = request.POST.get("xml") self.updateModels(xmlData) # update model with xml self.metastep.set_valid("Networks applied successfully") except ResourceAvailabilityException: self.metastep.set_invalid("Public network not availble") except Exception as e: self.metastep.set_invalid("An error occurred when applying networks: " + str(e)) return self.render(request) def updateModels(self, xmlData): models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) models["connections"] = {} models['networks'] = {} given_hosts, interfaces, networks = self.parseXml(xmlData) existing_host_list = models.get("hosts", []) existing_hosts = {} # maps id to host for host in existing_host_list: existing_hosts[host.resource.name] = host bundle = models.get("bundle", GenericResourceBundle(owner=self.repo_get(self.repo.SESSION_USER))) for net_id, net in networks.items(): network = Network() network.name = net['name'] network.bundle = bundle network.is_public = net['public'] models['networks'][net_id] = network for hostid, given_host in given_hosts.items(): existing_host = existing_hosts[hostid[5:]] for ifaceId in given_host['interfaces']: iface = interfaces[ifaceId] if existing_host.resource.name not in models['connections']: models['connections'][existing_host.resource.name] = {} models['connections'][existing_host.resource.name][iface['profile_name']] = [] for connection in iface['connections']: network_id = connection['network'] net = models['networks'][network_id] connection = NetworkConnection(vlan_is_tagged=connection['tagged'], network=net) models['connections'][existing_host.resource.name][iface['profile_name']].append(connection) bundle.xml = xmlData self.repo_put(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, models) def decomposeXml(self, xmlString): """ This function takes in an xml doc from our front end and returns dictionaries that map cellIds to the xml nodes themselves. There is no unpacking of the xml objects, just grouping and organizing """ connections = {} networks = {} hosts = {} interfaces = {} network_ports = {} xmlDom = minidom.parseString(xmlString) root = xmlDom.documentElement.firstChild for cell in root.childNodes: cellId = cell.getAttribute('id') group = cellId.split("_")[0] parentGroup = cell.getAttribute("parent").split("_")[0] # place cell into correct group if cell.getAttribute("edge"): connections[cellId] = cell elif "network" in group: networks[cellId] = cell elif "host" in group: hosts[cellId] = cell elif "host" in parentGroup: interfaces[cellId] = cell # make network ports also map to thier network elif "network" in parentGroup: network_ports[cellId] = cell.getAttribute("parent") # maps port ID to net ID return connections, networks, hosts, interfaces, network_ports # serialize and deserialize xml from mxGraph def parseXml(self, xmlString): networks = {} # maps net name to network object hosts = {} # cotains id -> hosts, each containing interfaces, referencing networks interfaces = {} # maps id -> interface untagged_ifaces = set() # used to check vlan config network_names = set() # used to check network names xml_connections, xml_nets, xml_hosts, xml_ifaces, xml_ports = self.decomposeXml(xmlString) # parse Hosts for cellId, cell in xml_hosts.items(): cell_json_str = cell.getAttribute("value") cell_json = json.loads(cell_json_str) host = {"interfaces": [], "name": cellId, "profile_name": cell_json['name']} hosts[cellId] = host # parse networks for cellId, cell in xml_nets.items(): escaped_json_str = cell.getAttribute("value") json_str = escaped_json_str.replace('"', '"') net_info = json.loads(json_str) net_name = net_info['name'] public = net_info['public'] if net_name in network_names: raise NetworkExistsException("Non unique network name found") network = {"name": net_name, "public": public, "id": cellId} networks[cellId] = network network_names.add(net_name) # parse interfaces for cellId, cell in xml_ifaces.items(): parentId = cell.getAttribute('parent') cell_json_str = cell.getAttribute("value") cell_json = json.loads(cell_json_str) iface = {"name": cellId, "connections": [], "profile_name": cell_json['name']} hosts[parentId]['interfaces'].append(cellId) interfaces[cellId] = iface # parse connections for cellId, cell in xml_connections.items(): escaped_json_str = cell.getAttribute("value") json_str = escaped_json_str.replace('"', '"') attributes = json.loads(json_str) tagged = attributes['tagged'] interface = None network = None src = cell.getAttribute("source") tgt = cell.getAttribute("target") if src in interfaces: interface = interfaces[src] network = networks[xml_ports[tgt]] else: interface = interfaces[tgt] network = networks[xml_ports[src]] if not tagged: if interface['name'] in untagged_ifaces: raise InvalidVlanConfigurationException("More than one untagged vlan on an interface") untagged_ifaces.add(interface['name']) # add connection to interface interface['connections'].append({"tagged": tagged, "network": network['id']}) return hosts, interfaces, networks class Resource_Meta_Info(WorkflowStep): template = 'resource/steps/meta_info.html' title = "Extra Info" description = "Please fill out the rest of the information about your resource" short_title = "pod info" def get_context(self): context = super(Resource_Meta_Info, self).get_context() name = "" desc = "" bundle = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}).get("bundle", False) if bundle and bundle.name: name = bundle.name desc = bundle.description context['form'] = ResourceMetaForm(initial={"bundle_name": name, "bundle_description": desc}) return context def post_render(self, request): form = ResourceMetaForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) name = form.cleaned_data['bundle_name'] desc = form.cleaned_data['bundle_description'] bundle = models.get("bundle", GenericResourceBundle(owner=self.repo_get(self.repo.SESSION_USER))) bundle.name = name bundle.description = desc models['bundle'] = bundle self.repo_put(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, models) confirm = self.repo_get(self.repo.CONFIRMATION) if "resource" not in confirm: confirm['resource'] = {} confirm_info = confirm['resource'] confirm_info["name"] = name tmp = desc if len(tmp) > 60: tmp = tmp[:60] + "..." confirm_info["description"] = tmp self.repo_put(self.repo.CONFIRMATION, confirm) self.metastep.set_valid("Step Completed") else: self.metastep.set_invalid("Please correct the fields highlighted in red to continue") pass return self.render(request) class Host_Meta_Info(WorkflowStep): template = "resource/steps/host_info.html" title = "Host Info" description = "We need a little bit of information about your chosen machines" short_title = "host info" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Host_Meta_Info, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.formset = formset_factory(GenericHostMetaForm, extra=0) def get_context(self): context = super(Host_Meta_Info, self).get_context() GenericHostFormset = self.formset models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) initial_data = [] if "hosts" not in models: context['error'] = "Please go back and select your hosts" else: for host in models['hosts']: profile = host.profile.name name = host.resource.name if not name: name = "" initial_data.append({"host_profile": profile, "host_name": name}) context['formset'] = GenericHostFormset(initial=initial_data) return context def post_render(self, request): models = self.repo_get(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, {}) if 'hosts' not in models: models['hosts'] = [] hosts = models['hosts'] i = 0 confirm_hosts = [] GenericHostFormset = self.formset formset = GenericHostFormset(request.POST) if formset.is_valid(): for form in formset: host = hosts[i] host.resource.name = form.cleaned_data['host_name'] i += 1 confirm_hosts.append({"name": host.resource.name, "profile": host.profile.name}) models['hosts'] = hosts self.repo_put(self.repo.GRESOURCE_BUNDLE_MODELS, models) confirm = self.repo_get(self.repo.CONFIRMATION, {}) if "resource" not in confirm: confirm['resource'] = {} confirm['resource']['hosts'] = confirm_hosts self.repo_put(self.repo.CONFIRMATION, confirm) else: pass return self.render(request)