tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 description: > TOSCA simple profile with to demonstrate the usage of the TOSCA Credential Data Type. imports: - custom_types/wordpress.yaml relationship_types: my.types.WordpressDbConnection: derived_from: tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo properties: credential: user: db_user token: db_pwd topology_template: node_templates: wordpress: type: tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress requirements: - host: webserver - database_endpoint: node: mysql_database relationship: my.types.WordpressDbConnection mysql_database: type: tosca.nodes.Database properties: name: db_name user: db_user password: db_pwd capabilities: database_endpoint: properties: port: 3306 requirements: - host: node: mysql_dbms mysql_dbms: type: tosca.nodes.DBMS properties: root_password: db_root_pwd port: 3306 requirements: - host: server webserver: type: tosca.nodes.WebServer properties: admin_credential: user: username token: some_pass requirements: - host: server server: type: tosca.nodes.Compute capabilities: host: properties: disk_size: 10 GB num_cpus: 1 mem_size: 4096 MB os: properties: architecture: x86_64 type: Linux distribution: Ubuntu version: 14.04 outputs: website_url: description: URL for Wordpress wiki. value: { get_attribute: [server, private_address] }