tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 description: > Service template with topology_template, act as a nested system inside another system. imports: - definitions.yaml topology_template: description: Template of a database including its hosting stack. inputs: mq_server_ip: type: string description: IP address of the message queuing server to receive messages from. receiver_port: type: string description: Port to be used for receiving messages. my_cpus: type: integer description: Number of CPUs for the server. constraints: - valid_values: [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ] node_templates: websrv: type: tosca.nodes.WebServer capabilities: data_endpoint: properties: port_name: { get_input: receiver_port } requirements: - host: node: server server: type: tosca.nodes.Compute capabilities: host: properties: disk_size: 10 GB num_cpus: { get_input: my_cpus } mem_size: 4096 MB os: properties: architecture: x86_64 type: Linux distribution: Ubuntu version: 14.04 groups: webserver_group: type: mycompany.mytypes.groups.placement members: [ websrv, server ]