# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging.config import os import sys from toscaparser.tosca_template import ToscaTemplate from toscaparser.utils.gettextutils import _ from toscaparser.utils.urlutils import UrlUtils from translator.hot.tosca_translator import TOSCATranslator """ Test the heat-translator translation from command line as: #heat-translator --template-file= --template-type= --parameters="purpose=test" Takes three user arguments, 1. type of translation (e.g. tosca) (required) 2. Path to the file that needs to be translated (required) 3. Input parameters (optional) In order to use heat-translator to only validate template, without actual translation, pass --validate-only=true along with other required arguments. """ log = logging.getLogger("heat-translator") class TranslatorShell(object): SUPPORTED_TYPES = ['tosca'] def _validate(self, args): if len(args) < 2: msg = _("The program requires minimum two arguments. " "Please refer to the usage documentation.") raise ValueError(msg) if "--template-file=" not in args[0]: msg = _("The program expects --template-file as first argument. " "Please refer to the usage documentation.") raise ValueError(msg) if "--template-type=" not in args[1]: msg = _("The program expects --template-type as second argument. " "Please refer to the usage documentation.") raise ValueError(msg) def main(self, args): self._validate(args) path = args[0].split('--template-file=')[1] # e.g. --template_file=translator/tests/data/tosca_helloworld.yaml template_type = args[1].split('--template-type=')[1] # e.g. --template_type=tosca if not template_type: raise ValueError(_("Template type is needed. " "For example, 'tosca'")) elif template_type not in self.SUPPORTED_TYPES: raise ValueError(_("%(value)s is not a valid template type.") % {'value': template_type}) parsed_params = {} validate_only = None output_file = None if len(args) > 2: parameters = None for arg in args: if "--validate-only=" in arg: validate_only = arg if "--parameters=" in arg: parameters = arg if "--output-file=" in arg: output = arg output_file = output.split('--output-file=')[1] if parameters: parsed_params = self._parse_parameters(parameters) a_file = os.path.isfile(path) a_url = UrlUtils.validate_url(path) if not a_file else False if a_file or a_url: run_only_validation = False if validate_only: value = validate_only.split('-validate-only=')[1].lower() if template_type == 'tosca' and value == 'true': run_only_validation = True if run_only_validation: ToscaTemplate(path, parsed_params, a_file) else: heat_tpl = self._translate(template_type, path, parsed_params, a_file) if heat_tpl: self._write_output(heat_tpl, output_file) else: raise ValueError(_("The path %(path)s is not a valid file" " or URL.") % {'path': path}) def _parse_parameters(self, parameter_list): parsed_inputs = {} if parameter_list.startswith('--parameters'): # Parameters are semi-colon separated inputs = parameter_list.split('--parameters=')[1].\ replace('"', '').split(';') # Each parameter should be an assignment for param in inputs: keyvalue = param.split('=') # Validate the parameter has both a name and value if keyvalue.__len__() is 2: # Assure parameter name is not zero-length or whitespace stripped_name = keyvalue[0].strip() if not stripped_name: raise ValueError(_("'%(param)s' is not a well-formed " "parameter.") % {'param': param}) # Add the valid parameter to the dictionary parsed_inputs[keyvalue[0]] = keyvalue[1] else: raise ValueError(_("'%(param)s' is not a well-formed " "parameter.") % {'param': param}) else: raise ValueError(_("'%(list)s' is not a valid parameter list.") % {'list': parameter_list}) return parsed_inputs def _translate(self, sourcetype, path, parsed_params, a_file): output = None if sourcetype == "tosca": tosca = ToscaTemplate(path, parsed_params, a_file) translator = TOSCATranslator(tosca, parsed_params) output = translator.translate() return output def _write_output(self, output, output_file=None): if output: if output_file: with open(output_file, 'w+') as f: f.write(output) else: print(output) def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] TranslatorShell().main(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()