.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Parser tosca2heat test usage ============================ 1. run tox in tosca-parser sub project .. code-block:: bash # change directory to tosca-parser cd parser/tosca2heat/tosca-parser # run with pep8 tox -epep8 # run unit test tox -epy27 or .. code-block:: bash # change directory to tosca-parser cd parser/tosca2heat/tosca-parser # run tox tox 2. run tox in heat-translator sub project .. code-block:: bash # change directory to heat-translator cd parser/tosca2heat/heat-translator # run with pep8 tox -epep8 # run unit test tox -epy27 tox -epy34 or .. code-block:: bash # change directory to heat-translator cd parser/tosca2heat/heat-translator # run tox tox Parser VeriGraph test usage =========================== VeriGraph is accessible via both a RESTfull API and a gRPC interface. **RESTful API** In order to run the automatic testing script, you need the following dependencies installed on your python distribution: - "requests" python package -> http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/ - "jsonschema" python package -> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jsonschema 1. Run the Python tester .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph/tester python test.py 2. Run many times (i.e. n-times) each test-case with ant script .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph ant -f build.xml run-test -Diteration=n 2. Run many times (i.e. n-times) each test-case by command line .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph python test.py -iteration n **gRPC API** 1. Compile the code .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph ant -f buildVeriGraph_gRPC.xml build 2. Run both client and server .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph ant -f buildVeriGraph_gRPC.xml run 3. Run only the testing client .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph ant -f buildVeriGraph_gRPC.xml run-client 4. Run only the gRPC server .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph ant -f buildVeriGraph_gRPC.xml run-server 5. Run all tests and print out the partial results and global result .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph # This target has the needed dependencies to compile the code # and run both client and server ant -f buildVeriGraph_gRPC.xml run-test Note that the execution of these tests may take up to 1-2 minutes when successful.