.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) <optionally add copywriters name> Parser tosca2heat Execution =========================== Step 1: Change directory to where the tosca yaml files are present, example is below with vRNC definiton. .. code-block:: bash cd parser/tosca2heat/tosca-parser/toscaparser/extensions/nfv/tests/data/vRNC/Definitions Step 2: Run the python command heat-translator with the TOSCA yaml file as an input option. .. code-block:: bash heat-translator --template-file=<input file> --template-type=tosca --outpurt-file=<output hot file> Example: .. code-block:: bash heat-translator --template-file=vRNC.yaml \ --template-type=tosca --output-file=vRNC_hot.yaml **Notes**: heat-translator will call class of ToscaTemplate in tosca-parser firstly to validate and parse input yaml file, then tranlate the file into hot file, if you only want to validate or check the input file and don't want to translate, please use tosaca-parser as following: .. code-block:: bash tosca-parser --template-file=<input yaml file> Example: .. code-block:: bash tosca-parser --template-file=vRNC.yaml Parser tosca2heat References ============================ Refer two upstream components: https://github.com/openstack/tosca-parser/blob/master/doc/source/usage.rst https://github.com/openstack/heat-translator/blob/master/doc/source/usage.rst Parser yang2tosca Execution =========================== Step 1: Change directory to where the scripts are present. .. code-block:: bash cd parser/yang2tosca Step 2: Copy the YANG file which needs to be converted into TOSCA to current (parser/yang2tosca) folder. Step 3: Run the python script "parser.py" with the YANG file as an input option. .. code-block:: bash python parser.py -n "YANG filename" Example: .. code-block:: bash python parser.py -n example.yaml Step 4: Verify the TOSCA YAMl which file has been created with the same name as the YANG file with a “_tosca” suffix. .. code-block:: bash cat "YANG filename_tosca.yaml" Example: .. code-block:: bash cat example_tosca.yaml Parser policy2tosca Execution ============================= Step 1: To see a list of commands available. .. code-block:: bash policy2tosca --help Step 2: To see help for an individual command, include the command name on the command line .. code-block:: bash policy2tosca help <service> Step 3: To inject/remove policy types/policy definitions provide the TOSCA file as input to policy2tosca command line. .. code-block:: bash policy2tosca <service> [arguments] Example: .. code-block:: bash policy2tosca add-definition \ --policy_name rule2 --policy_type tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation \ --description "test description" \ --properties region:us-north-1,region:us-north-2,min_inst:2 \ --targets VNF2,VNF4 \ --metadata "map of strings" \ --triggers "1,2,3,4" \ --source example.yaml Step 4: Verify the TOSCA YAMl updated with the injection/removal executed. .. code-block:: bash cat "<source tosca file>" Example: .. code-block:: bash cat example_tosca.yaml Parser verigraph Execution ========================== VeriGraph is accessible via both a RESTful API and a gRPC interface. **REST API** Step 1. Change directory to where the service graph examples are present .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph/examples Step 2. Use a REST client (e.g., cURL) to send a POST request (whose body is one of the JSON file in the directory) .. code-block:: bash curl -X POST -d @<file_name>.json http://<server_address>:<server_port>/verify/api/graphs --header "Content-Type:application/json" Step 3. Use a REST client to send a GET request to check a reachability-based property between two nodes of the service graph created in the previous step. .. code-block:: bash curl -X GET http://<server_addr>:<server_port>/verify/api/graphs/<graphID>/ policy?source=<srcNodeID>&destination=<dstNodeID>&type=<propertyType> where: - <graphID> is the identifier of the service graph created at Step 2 - <srcNodeID> is the name of the source node - <dstNodeID> is the name of the destination node - <propertyType> can be ``reachability``, ``isolation`` or ``traversal`` Step 4. the output is a JSON with the overall result of the verification process and the partial result for each path that connects the source and destination nodes in the service graph. **gRPC API** VeriGraph exposes a gRPC interface that is self-descriptive by its Protobuf file (``parser/verigraph/src/main/proto/verigraph.proto``). In the current release, Verigraph misses a module that receives service graphs in format of JSON and sends the proper requests to the gRPC server. A testing client has been provided to have an example of how to create a service graph using the gRPC interface and to trigger the verification step. 1. Run the testing client .. code-block:: bash cd parser/verigraph #Client souce code in ``parser/verigraph/src/main/it/polito/grpc/Client.java`` ant -f buildVeriGraph_gRPC.xml run-client