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Parser Project Committer Promotion Guideline


This rst document serves only as a guideline for current committers and PTL to
refer when they are electing new committers. We would strongly recommend the
qualities listed in this document (in the Guidelines section) to be taken into
consideration, however there is no legal or mandatory authority whatsoever.
Any terms that might be in conflict with TSC charter is void by nature.


* Make Parser grow stronger and healthier, with more new ideas and new
* Few committers who work with more contributors on a large size of work.
* Committers number expands when Parser project itself grows.
* Committer swap to ensure participating company’s interest.
* Do not mandatory set limit to ban contributors to run, the ultimate result of
  a promotion is still a consensus driven by community discussion.


* Committers should be a small group of core contributors that could provide
  a leading force for a balk of work in the project.
* As a small new project, the growth of Parser is very important.
* For any newly proposed committers, besides KPIs like commits, they should be
  able to bring and work on an appropriate size of workload, with or without new
  work force, so that the ratio between committer numbers and the workload is
* Key mission of the committer is to expand and strengthen the project,
  with new ideas or new participants.


* For those who are proposed as committers, if other KPI holds, for approval
  they should have new work plan proposed that are beyond the work from past
  release. For those who have brought forward both new work plan as well as
  new contributors, their promotion should be considered approved in a fast
* For those who are proposed as committers, if other KPI holds, but they only
  cover a similar size of work to the past release, for approval they should
  replace the original committer of the same company. If there is no previous
  committer member from the same company, then the promotion should be put
  through with enough discussions.
* There will be a cap on committer number per company. It is recommended that
  each participating should not have more than 2 committers at the moment.
  However this cap subjects to modification in the future should the team
  decide to change. There is no cap for individual contributors.

Guideline Creation and Modification Procedure

* Current committers vote on this motion via email, approval require a unanimous
* Submit this motion as a rst file into the parser governance repo, to setup a
  precedent. PTL should kick off a review for the document each cycle.
* Any future change to the guideline should be done via new patches and code
  reviews, with record of showing a previous committer unanimous vote result on
  the motion of such modification.