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OPNFV Parser Danube Overview Doumentation

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   :depth: 3


In NFV, various templates (such as descriptors, records and so on) are utilized
to describe the deployment requirements (such as basic VM requirements – vCPU,
memory, storage, as well as the NFV acceleration management requirement such as
Huge Pages support, SR-IOV, NUMA affinity, DPDK support etc.),
the post-instaniation records (such as storage usage report, CPU performance
report etc.) or other purposes. However in order to make these templates
adaptable and feasible for purpose like deployment orchestration/automation,
certain tooling mechanism that provides template translation is necessary.

Project Parser will help to provide such tooling mechanism, by parsing Telecom
operators’ descriptors/records into TOSCA/CAMP templates and then further
translate TOSCA/CAMP templates into certain common templates, which could be
used in IaaS orchestration projects like OpenStack Heat.

For Arno Release
Parser is not one of the Arno Release projects, however the project has established
the code base for the later releases:

* OpenStack Heat Translator Kilo Release
* Initial documentation on use cases

Upgrades from Arno Release

For Brahmaputra Release, Parser offers the following additional capabilities:

* Update with the integration of OpenStack Heat-Translator Liberty Release, of which
  both heat in-tree code and standalone package are provided.

* New module yang2tosca module which offers the capability to translate yang based
  scriptors to tosca formate templates. Users could further use Heat-translator
  module to translate this tosca template to Heat Orchestration template.
  Yang2Tosca module could be installed seperately after user installed
  OPNFV B release platform.

* The "parser_new_keywords" document demonstrate a set of keywords concluded by
  Parser team that need to be supported in tosca to heat translation. However
  it should be noted that these keywords only serve as a roadmap. We will start
  from Release C to indicate which specific set of keywords are supported in

* The "vRNC_tosca_intro" document describes Parser's use case analysis on vRNC
  scenario.The "example" folder contains examples of tosca-nfv standard and vRNC
  scenario. See also https://wiki.opnfv.org/parser.

Upgrades from Brahmaputra Release

For Colorado Release, Parser offers the following additional capabilities:

* New module policy2tosca which enables policy related fields in tosca could be
  translated into heat orchestration template correctly. Policy2Tosca module could
  be installed seperately after user installed OPNFV C release platform.

* New module tosca2heat enhancements which includes a set of feature addons (such
  as substitution mapping) for OpenStack tosca-parser module which is integrated in
  the OPNFV C release platform. And the main details are listed below:

  * support substitution mapping semantic in tosca-parser:
    - support parse and validation about substitution mapping definition;
    - support import nested template;
    - support deployment a node which is substituted by a template;
    - support deployment a template alone which has substitution mapping definition.

  * afinity and anti-affinity support when deploy servers:
    - tosca.policies.Placement.Colocate;
    - tosca.policies.Placement.Antilocate;

  * add validation about input parameters;

  * add high availability and block volume in compute translation;

  * add ip output in compute translation;

  * add deployment a whole vRNC testcase with parser.

* Additional testing support.

Upgrades from Colorado Release

For Danube Release, Parser offers the following additional capabilities:

* New module verigraph which is a formal verification tool for service graphs. Given
  a service graph, which can include stateful network functions and their configurations
  (e.g., filtering rules for firewalls, and blacklists for anti-spamming filters), verigraph
  can accurately and quickly check reachability properties in the graph (e.g. if a particular
  flow of packets can go from one node of the graph to another node). Verigraph exploits
  Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) and the general-purpose SMT solver Z3. It includes a
  library of network function models.

* New module apigateway added, which focuses on message relay and provides unified restful API
  and grpc api to end  user who want use parser, additionally one module of parser(such as
  yang2tosca) can access the other module(such as tosca2heat) through grpc provided by apigateway
  without concern its location.

* The tosca2heat module updated with the intgeration of OpenStack tosca-parser and heat-translator
  0.7.0 releases.