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Parser apigateway

This document provides a description of apigateway, a message relay submodule for the other
parser submodules.

.. contents::
   :depth: 3

Provide unified access interfaces for follow independent parser components:
 - tosca2heat
 - yang2tosca
 - policy2tosca
 - verigraph
 - parser ui
 The apigateway will relay message between above submodules throngh gRPC interface, in additon,
apigateway also exposes restful api to provide parser all functions to the 3rd applications.

Apigateway exploits three sub-components:

- **APIGW**, the main part of apigateway, which is the message center.
- **gRPC**, provide gRPC client and server for the other parser sub-modules, it can be devided
into defferent pair of client/server according to the function.
- **CLI**, command line tool for apigateway access and management .

Apigateway architecture is shown below:

.. image:: /images/API_gateway_architecture.png