from base64 import b64decode import os from socket import gethostbyname, gethostname, gaierror from subprocess import ( CalledProcessError, check_call, check_output ) import netifaces import time import platform import json from import get_address_in_network from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( config, status_set, log, ERROR, application_version_set, ) from import write_file from docker_utils import ( is_container_launched, is_container_present, apply_config_in_container, get_docker_image_id, load_docker_image, launch_docker_image, dpkg_version, docker_exec, ) config = config() def get_ip(): network = config.get("control-network") ip = get_address_in_network(network) if network else None if not ip: ip = _get_default_ip() return ip def _get_default_ip(): if hasattr(netifaces, "gateways"): iface = netifaces.gateways()["default"][netifaces.AF_INET][1] else: data = check_output("ip route | grep ^default", shell=True).split() iface = data[data.index("dev") + 1] return netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]["addr"] def fix_hostname(): hostname = gethostname() try: gethostbyname(hostname) except gaierror: ip = get_ip() check_call(["sed", "-E", "-i", "-e", ("/[[:blank:]]+/a \\\n" + ip + " " + hostname), "/etc/hosts"]) def decode_cert(key): val = config.get(key) if not val: return None try: return b64decode(val) except Exception as e: log("Couldn't decode certificate from config['{}']: {}".format( key, str(e)), level=ERROR) return None def save_file(path, data): if data: fdir = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(fdir): os.makedirs(fdir) write_file(path, data, perms=0o400) elif os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) def update_services_status(name, services): try: output = docker_exec(name, "contrail-status") except CalledProcessError as e: log("Container is not ready to get contrail-status: " + str(e)) status_set("waiting", "Waiting services to run in container") return statuses = dict() for line in output.splitlines()[1:]: if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("=="): continue lst = line.split() if len(lst) < 2: continue srv = lst[0].split(":")[0] statuses[srv] = (lst[1], " ".join(lst[2:])) for srv in services: if srv not in statuses: status_set("waiting", srv + " is absent in the contrail-status") return status, desc = statuses.get(srv) if status != "active": workload = "waiting" if status == "initializing" else "blocked" status_set(workload, "{} is not ready. Reason: {}" .format(srv, desc)) return status_set("active", "Unit is ready") def check_run_prerequisites(name, config_name, update_config_func, services): if is_container_launched(name): check = True if update_config_func: update_config_func() check = apply_config_in_container(name, config_name) if check: update_services_status(name, services) return False if is_container_present(name): status_set( "blocked", "Container is present but is not running. Run or remove it.") return False image_id = get_docker_image_id(name) if not image_id: image_id = load_docker_image(name) if not image_id: status_set("waiting", "Awaiting for container resource") return False return True def run_container(name, pkg_to_check): args = [] if platform.linux_distribution()[2].strip() == "trusty": args.append("--pid=host") launch_docker_image(name, args) time.sleep(5) version = dpkg_version(name, pkg_to_check) application_version_set(version) status_set("waiting", "Waiting services to run in container") def json_loads(data, default=None): return json.loads(data) if data else default