from base64 import b64decode import functools import os from socket import gethostname from subprocess import ( check_call, check_output, ) from time import sleep, time import apt_pkg import json import netaddr import netifaces from import get_address_in_network from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( config, log, related_units, relation_get, relation_ids, status_set, ERROR, WARNING, ) from import ( restart_on_change, write_file, service_restart, ) from charmhelpers.core.templating import render apt_pkg.init() config = config() # as it's hardcoded in several scripts/configs VROUTER_INTERFACE = "vhost0" def retry(f=None, timeout=10, delay=2): """Retry decorator. Provides a decorator that can be used to retry a function if it raises an exception. :param timeout: timeout in seconds (default 10) :param delay: retry delay in seconds (default 2) Examples:: # retry fetch_url function @retry def fetch_url(): # fetch url # retry fetch_url function for 60 secs @retry(timeout=60) def fetch_url(): # fetch url """ if not f: return functools.partial(retry, timeout=timeout, delay=delay) @functools.wraps(f) def func(*args, **kwargs): start = time() error = None while True: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: error = e elapsed = time() - start if elapsed >= timeout: raise error remaining = timeout - elapsed sleep(delay if delay <= remaining else remaining) return func def configure_vrouter_interface(): # run external script to configure vrouter args = ["./"] if config["remove-juju-bridge"]: args.append("-b") iface = config.get("physical-interface") if iface: args.append(iface) check_call(args, cwd="scripts") def drop_caches(): """Clears OS pagecache""" log("Clearing pagecache") check_call(["sync"]) with open("/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", "w") as f: f.write("3\n") def dkms_autoinstall(module): """Allows loading of a kernel module. 'dkms_autoinstall' is useful for DKMS kernel modules. Juju often upgrades units to newer kernels before charm install, which won't be used until the machine is rebooted. In these cases, some modules may not be compiled for the newer kernel. Setting this argument to True will ensure these modules are compiled for newer kernels. :param module: module to load """ current = check_output(["uname", "-r"]).rstrip() for kernel in os.listdir("/lib/modules"): if kernel == current: continue log("DKMS auto installing for kernel {}".format(kernel)) check_call(["dkms", "autoinstall", "-k", kernel]) def update_vrouter_provision_status(): # TODO: update this logic with various scenario for data in relation info = _load_json_from_config("orchestrator_info") ready = ( config.get("api_port") and (config.get("api_ip") or config.get("api_vip")) and config.get("analytics_servers") and info.get("cloud_orchestrator")) if config.get("vrouter-expected-provision-state"): if ready and not config.get("vrouter-provisioned"): try: provision_vrouter("add") config["vrouter-provisioned"] = True except Exception as e: # vrouter is not up yet log("Couldn't provision vrouter: " + str(e), level=WARNING) elif config.get("vrouter-provisioned"): try: provision_vrouter("del") except Exception as e: log("Couldn't unprovision vrouter: " + str(e), level=WARNING) config["vrouter-provisioned"] = False def get_control_network_ip(control_network=None): network = control_network if not network: network = config.get("control-network") ip = get_address_in_network(network) if network else None if not ip: ip = iface_addr(VROUTER_INTERFACE)["addr"] return ip def reprovision_vrouter(old_ip): if not config.get("vrouter-provisioned"): return old_ip = get_control_network_ip(config.prev("control-network")) try: provision_vrouter("del", old_ip) except Exception as e: log("Couldn't unprovision vrouter: " + str(e), level=WARNING) try: provision_vrouter("add") except Exception as e: # vrouter is not up yet log("Couldn't provision vrouter: " + str(e), level=WARNING) def provision_vrouter(op, self_ip=None): ip = self_ip if self_ip else get_control_network_ip() api_ip, api_port = get_controller_address() identity = _load_json_from_config("auth_info") params = [ "contrail-provision-vrouter", "--host_name", gethostname(), "--host_ip", ip, "--api_server_ip", api_ip, "--api_server_port", str(api_port), "--oper", op] if "keystone_admin_user" in identity: params += [ "--admin_user", identity.get("keystone_admin_user"), "--admin_password", identity.get("keystone_admin_password"), "--admin_tenant_name", identity.get("keystone_admin_tenant")] @retry(timeout=65, delay=20) def _call(): check_call(params) log("vrouter operation '{}' was successful".format(op)) log("{} vrouter {}".format(op, ip)) _call() def get_controller_address(): ip = config.get("api_ip") port = config.get("api_port") api_vip = config.get("api_vip") if api_vip: ip = api_vip return (ip, port) if ip and port else (None, None) def iface_addr(iface): return netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0] def vhost_ip(addr): # return a vhost formatted address and mask - x.x.x.x/xx addr = iface_addr(VROUTER_INTERFACE) ip = addr["addr"] cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip + "/" + addr["netmask"]).prefixlen return ip + "/" + str(cidr) def vhost_gateway(iface): # determine vhost gateway gateway = config.get("vhost-gateway") if gateway == "auto": for line in check_output(["route", "-n"]).splitlines()[2:]: l = line.decode('UTF-8').split() if "G" in l[3] and l[7] == iface: return l[1] gateway = None return gateway def vhost_phys(iface): # run external script to determine physical interface of 'vhost0' cmd = ["scripts/", iface] return (check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8').rstrip()) def _load_json_from_config(key): value = config.get(key) return json.loads(value) if value else {} def get_context(): ctx = {} ssl_ca = _decode_cert("ssl_ca") ctx["ssl_ca"] = ssl_ca ctx["ssl_enabled"] = (ssl_ca is not None and len(ssl_ca) > 0) ip, port = get_controller_address() ctx["api_server"] = ip ctx["api_port"] = port ctx["control_nodes"] = [ relation_get("private-address", unit, rid) for rid in relation_ids("contrail-controller") for unit in related_units(rid)] ctx["analytics_nodes"] = _load_json_from_config("analytics_servers") info = _load_json_from_config("orchestrator_info") ctx["metadata_shared_secret"] = info.get("metadata_shared_secret") ctx["control_network_ip"] = get_control_network_ip() ctx["vhost_ip"] = vhost_ip(VROUTER_INTERFACE) ctx["vhost_gateway"] = vhost_gateway(VROUTER_INTERFACE) ctx["vhost_physical"] = vhost_phys(VROUTER_INTERFACE) log("CTX: " + str(ctx)) ctx.update(_load_json_from_config("auth_info")) return ctx def _decode_cert(key): val = config.get(key) if not val: return None try: return b64decode(val) except Exception as e: log("Couldn't decode certificate from config['{}']: {}".format( key, str(e)), level=ERROR) return None def _save_file(path, data): if data: fdir = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(fdir): os.makedirs(fdir) write_file(path, data, perms=0o400) elif os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) @restart_on_change({ "/etc/contrail/ssl/certs/ca-cert.pem": ["contrail-vrouter-agent", "contrail-vrouter-nodemgr"], "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf": ["contrail-vrouter-agent"], "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr.conf": ["contrail-vrouter-nodemgr"]}) def write_configs(): ctx = get_context() # TODO: what we should do with two other certificates? # NOTE: store files in the same paths as in tepmlates ca_path = "/etc/contrail/ssl/certs/ca-cert.pem" ssl_ca = ctx["ssl_ca"] _save_file(ca_path, ssl_ca) ctx["ssl_ca_path"] = ca_path render("contrail-vrouter-nodemgr.conf", "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr.conf", ctx) render("vnc_api_lib.ini", "/etc/contrail/vnc_api_lib.ini", ctx) render("contrail-vrouter-agent.conf", "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf", ctx, perms=0o440) def update_unit_status(): if not config.get("vrouter-provisioned"): units = [unit for rid in relation_ids("contrail-controller") for unit in related_units(rid)] if units: status_set("waiting", "There is no enough info to provision.") else: status_set("blocked", "Missing relation to contrail-controller") status, _ = _get_agent_status() if status == 'initializing': # some hacks log("Run agent hack: service restart") service_restart("contrail-vrouter-agent") sleep(10) status, msg = _get_agent_status() if status == 'initializing' and "(No Configuration for self)" in msg: log("Run agent hack: reinitialize config client") ip = config.get("api_ip") try: # TODO: apply SSL if needed check_call( ["curl", "-s", "http://{}:8083/Snh_ConfigClientReinitReq?".format(ip)]) sleep(5) status, _ = _get_agent_status() except Exception as e: log("Reinitialize returns error: " + str(e)) if status == 'active': status_set("active", "Unit is ready") return status_set("waiting", "vrouter-agent is not up") def _get_agent_status(): """ Analyzes output of 'contrail-status' utility returns status from agent service: """ output = check_output("contrail-status", shell=True) for line in output.splitlines()[1:]: if len(line) == 0: return lst = line.decode('UTF-8').split() if len(lst) < 2: continue s_name = lst[0].strip() s_status = lst[1].strip() if 'contrail-vrouter-agent' not in s_name: continue log("contrail-status: " + line) return s_status, line