options: zk-port: type: int default: 2181 description: ZooKeeper Client Access Port source: type: string default: archive description: | Location and packages to install zookeeper: . * archive: Install using the zookeeperd package from the main Ubuntu Archive. * dev: Install using the hadoop-zookeeper-server package from ppa:hadoop-ubuntu/dev. * testing: Install using the hadoop-zookeeper-server package from ppa:hadoop-ubuntu/testing. * stable: Install using the hadoop-zookeeper-server package from ppa:hadoop-ubuntu/stable. . The packages provides in the hadoop-ubuntu team PPA's are based directly on upstream ZooKeeper releases but are not fully built from source. default_weight: type: int default: 1 description: default weight default_group: type: int default: 0 description: default group external_server: type: string default: "" description: | Extra servers ( external to juju ) to add to zoo.cnf. Format should be id:group:weight:host:port:port group can be defined as "default" as opposed to a number to use the default_group defined above