import functools import os import pwd import shutil from socket import gethostbyname, gethostname from subprocess import ( CalledProcessError, check_call, check_output ) from time import sleep, time import apt_pkg import yaml import netaddr import netifaces from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( config, log, related_units, relation_get, relation_ids, relation_type, remote_unit ) from import service_restart, service_start from charmhelpers.core.templating import render apt_pkg.init() def dpkg_version(pkg): try: return check_output(["dpkg-query", "-f", "${Version}\\n", "-W", pkg]).rstrip() except CalledProcessError: return None CONTRAIL_VERSION = dpkg_version("contrail-vrouter-agent") OPENSTACK_VERSION = dpkg_version("nova-compute") config = config() def retry(f=None, timeout=10, delay=2): """Retry decorator. Provides a decorator that can be used to retry a function if it raises an exception. :param timeout: timeout in seconds (default 10) :param delay: retry delay in seconds (default 2) Examples:: # retry fetch_url function @retry def fetch_url(): # fetch url # retry fetch_url function for 60 secs @retry(timeout=60) def fetch_url(): # fetch url """ if not f: return functools.partial(retry, timeout=timeout, delay=delay) @functools.wraps(f) def func(*args, **kwargs): start = time() error = None while True: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: error = e elapsed = time() - start if elapsed >= timeout: raise error remaining = timeout - elapsed if delay <= remaining: sleep(delay) else: sleep(remaining) raise error return func def configure_vrouter(): # run external script to configure vrouter args = ["./"] iface = config.get("vhost-interface") if iface: args.append(iface) check_call(args, cwd="scripts") def contrail_api_ctx(): ip = config.get("contrail-api-ip") if ip: port = config.get("contrail-api-port") return { "api_server": ip, "api_port": port if port is not None else 8082 } ctxs = [ { "api_server": gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)), "api_port": port } for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api") for unit, port in ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid)) if port ] return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {} def contrail_discovery_ctx(): ip = config.get("discovery-server-ip") if ip: return { "discovery_server": ip, "discovery_port": 5998 } ctxs = [ { "discovery_server": vip if vip \ else gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)), "discovery_port": port } for rid in relation_ids("contrail-discovery") for unit, port, vip in ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid), relation_get("vip", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid)) if port ] return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {} @retry(timeout=300) def contrail_provision_linklocal(api_ip, api_port, service_name, service_ip, service_port, fabric_ip, fabric_port, op, user, password): check_call(["contrail-provision-linklocal", "--api_server_ip", api_ip, "--api_server_port", str(api_port), "--linklocal_service_name", service_name, "--linklocal_service_ip", service_ip, "--linklocal_service_port", str(service_port), "--ipfabric_service_ip", fabric_ip, "--ipfabric_service_port", str(fabric_port), "--oper", op, "--admin_user", user, "--admin_password", password]) @retry(timeout=300) def contrail_provision_vrouter(hostname, ip, api_ip, api_port, op, user, password, tenant): check_call(["contrail-provision-vrouter", "--host_name", hostname, "--host_ip", ip, "--api_server_ip", api_ip, "--api_server_port", str(api_port), "--oper", op, "--admin_user", user, "--admin_password", password, "--admin_tenant_name", tenant]) def control_node_ctx(): return { "control_nodes": [ gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)) for rid in relation_ids("control-node") for unit in related_units(rid) ] } def disable_vrouter_vgw(): if os.path.exists("/etc/sysctl.d/60-vrouter-vgw.conf"): # unset sysctl options os.remove("/etc/sysctl.d/60-vrouter-vgw.conf") check_call(["sysctl", "-qw", "net.ipv4.ip_forward=0"]) def drop_caches(): """Clears OS pagecache""" log("Clearing pagecache") check_call(["sync"]) with open("/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", "w") as f: f.write("3\n") def enable_vrouter_vgw(): if not os.path.exists("/etc/sysctl.d/60-vrouter-vgw.conf"): # set sysctl options shutil.copy("files/60-vrouter-vgw.conf", "/etc/sysctl.d") service_start("procps") def fix_nodemgr(): # add files missing from contrail-nodemgr package shutil.copy("files/contrail-nodemgr-vrouter.ini", "/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files") pw = pwd.getpwnam("contrail") os.chown("/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files/contrail-nodemgr-vrouter.ini", pw.pw_uid, pw.pw_gid) shutil.copy("files/contrail-vrouter.rules", "/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files") os.chown("/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files/contrail-vrouter.rules", pw.pw_uid, pw.pw_gid) shutil.copy("files/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr", "/etc/init.d") os.chmod("/etc/init.d/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr", 0755) service_restart("supervisor-vrouter") def fix_permissions(): os.chmod("/etc/contrail", 0755) os.chown("/etc/contrail", 0, 0) def fix_vrouter_scripts(): # certain files need to be present for packages if not os.path.exists("/opt/contrail/bin"): os.makedirs("/opt/contrail/bin") os.symlink("/bin/true", "/opt/contrail/bin/") os.symlink("/bin/true", "/opt/contrail/bin/") os.symlink("/bin/true", "/opt/contrail/bin/") def identity_admin_ctx(): ctxs = [ { "auth_host": gethostbyname(hostname), "auth_port": relation_get("service_port", unit, rid), "admin_user": relation_get("service_username", unit, rid), "admin_password": relation_get("service_password", unit, rid), "admin_tenant_name": relation_get("service_tenant_name", unit, rid), "auth_region": relation_get("service_region", unit, rid) } for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin") for unit, hostname in ((unit, relation_get("service_hostname", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid)) if hostname ] return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {} def ifdown(interfaces=None): """ifdown an interface or all interfaces""" log("Taking down {}".format(interfaces if interfaces else "interfaces")) check_call(["ifdown"] + interfaces if interfaces else ["-a"]) def ifup(interfaces=None): """ifup an interface or all interfaces""" log("Bringing up {}".format(interfaces if interfaces else "interfaces")) check_call(["ifup"] + interfaces if interfaces else ["-a"]) def lsmod(module): """Check if a kernel module is loaded""" with open("/proc/modules", "r") as modules: for line in modules: if line.split()[0] == module: return True return False def modprobe(module, auto_load=False, dkms_autoinstall=False): """Load a kernel module. Allows loading of a kernel module. 'dkms_autoinstall' is useful for DKMS kernel modules. Juju often upgrades units to newer kernels before charm install, which won't be used until the machine is rebooted. In these cases, some modules may not be compiled for the newer kernel. Setting this argument to True will ensure these modules are compiled for newer kernels. :param module: module to load :param auto_load: load module on boot (default False) :param dkms_autoinstall: invoke DKMS autoinstall for other kernels (default False) """ if not lsmod(module): log("Loading kernel module {}".format(module)) check_call(["modprobe", module]) if auto_load: with open("/etc/modules", "a") as modules: modules.write(module) modules.write("\n") if dkms_autoinstall: current = check_output(["uname", "-r"]).rstrip() for kernel in os.listdir("/lib/modules"): if kernel == current: continue log("DKMS auto installing for kernel {}".format(kernel)) check_call(["dkms", "autoinstall", "-k", kernel]) def network_ctx(): iface = config.get("control-interface") return { "control_network_ip": netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]["addr"] } def neutron_metadata_ctx(): if "local-metadata-secret" in config: return { "metadata_secret": config["local-metadata-secret"] } ctxs = [ { "metadata_secret": relation_get("shared-secret", unit, rid) } for rid in relation_ids("neutron-metadata") for unit in related_units(rid) ] return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {} def provision_local_metadata(): api_port = None api_ip = config.get("contrail-api-ip") if api_ip: api_port = config.get("contrail-api-port") if api_port is None: api_port = 8082 else: api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)), port) for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api") for unit, port in ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid)) if port ][0] user, password = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid), relation_get("service_password", unit, rid)) for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin") for unit in related_units(rid) if relation_get("service_hostname", unit, rid) ][0] log("Provisioning local metadata service") contrail_provision_linklocal(api_ip, api_port, "metadata", "", 80, "", 8775, "add", user, password) def provision_vrouter(): hostname = gethostname() ip = netifaces.ifaddresses("vhost0")[netifaces.AF_INET][0]["addr"] api_port = None api_ip = config.get("contrail-api-ip") if api_ip: api_port = config.get("contrail-api-port") if api_port is None: api_port = 8082 else: api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)), port) for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api") for unit, port in ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid)) if port ][0] user, password, tenant = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid), relation_get("service_password", unit, rid), relation_get("service_tenant_name", unit, rid)) for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin") for unit in related_units(rid) if relation_get("service_hostname", unit, rid) ][0] log("Provisioning vrouter {}".format(ip)) contrail_provision_vrouter(hostname, ip, api_ip, api_port, "add", user, password, tenant) def remove_juju_bridge(): # run external script to remove bridge check_call(["./"], cwd="scripts") def units(relation): """Return a list of units for the specified relation""" return [ unit for rid in relation_ids(relation) for unit in related_units(rid) ] def unprovision_local_metadata(): relation = relation_type() if relation and not remote_unit(): return api_ip = config.previous("contrail-api-ip") api_port = None if api_ip: api_port = config.previous("contrail-api-port") if api_port is None: api_port = 8082 elif relation == "contrail-api": api_ip = gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address")) api_port = relation_get("port") else: api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)), relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api") for unit in related_units(rid) ][0] user = None password = None if relation == "identity-admin": user = relation_get("service_username") password = relation_get("service_password") else: user, password = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid), relation_get("service_password", unit, rid)) for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin") for unit in related_units(rid) ][0] log("Unprovisioning local metadata service") contrail_provision_linklocal(api_ip, api_port, "metadata", "", 80, "", 8775, "del", user, password) def unprovision_vrouter(): relation = relation_type() if relation and not remote_unit(): return hostname = gethostname() ip = netifaces.ifaddresses("vhost0")[netifaces.AF_INET][0]["addr"] api_ip = config.previous("contrail-api-ip") api_port = None if api_ip: api_port = config.previous("contrail-api-port") if api_port is None: api_port = 8082 elif relation == "contrail-api": api_ip = gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address")) api_port = relation_get("port") else: api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)), relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api") for unit in related_units(rid) ][0] user = None password = None tenant = None if relation == "identity-admin": user = relation_get("service_username") password = relation_get("service_password") tenant = relation_get("service_tenant_name") else: user, password, tenant = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid), relation_get("service_password", unit, rid), relation_get("service_tenant_name", unit, rid)) for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin") for unit in related_units(rid) ][0] log("Unprovisioning vrouter {}".format(ip)) contrail_provision_vrouter(hostname, ip, api_ip, api_port, "del", user, password, tenant) def vhost_gateway(): # determine vhost gateway gateway = config.get("vhost-gateway") if gateway == "auto": for line in check_output(["route", "-n"]).splitlines()[2:]: l = line.split() if "G" in l[3] and l[7] == "vhost0": return l[1] gateway = None return gateway def vhost_ip(iface): # return a vhost formatted address and mask - x.x.x.x/xx addr = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0] ip = addr["addr"] cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip + "/" + addr["netmask"]).prefixlen return ip + "/" + str(cidr) def vhost_phys(): # run external script to determine physical interface of vhost0 return check_output(["scripts/"]).rstrip() def vrouter_ctx(): return { "vhost_ip": vhost_ip("vhost0"), "vhost_gateway": vhost_gateway(), "vhost_physical": vhost_phys() } def vrouter_vgw_ctx(): ctx = {} vgws = config.get("virtual-gateways") if vgws: vgws = yaml.safe_load(vgws) map(lambda item: item.update(domain="default-domain"), vgws) ctx["vgws"] = vgws return ctx def write_barbican_auth_config(): ctx = identity_admin_ctx() render("contrail-barbican-auth.conf", "/etc/contrail/contrail-barbican-auth.conf", ctx, "root", "contrail", 0440) def write_nodemgr_config(): ctx = contrail_discovery_ctx() render("contrail-vrouter-nodemgr.conf", "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr.conf", ctx) def write_vnc_api_config(): ctx = {} ctx.update(contrail_api_ctx()) ctx.update(identity_admin_ctx()) render("vnc_api_lib.ini", "/etc/contrail/vnc_api_lib.ini", ctx) def write_vrouter_config(): ctx = {} ctx.update(control_node_ctx()) ctx.update(contrail_discovery_ctx()) ctx.update(neutron_metadata_ctx()) ctx.update(network_ctx()) ctx.update(vrouter_ctx()) ctx.update(vrouter_vgw_ctx()) render("contrail-vrouter-agent.conf", "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf", ctx, perms=0440) def write_vrouter_vgw_interfaces(): ctx = vrouter_vgw_ctx() render("vrouter-vgw.cfg", "/etc/network/interfaces.d/vrouter-vgw.cfg", ctx)