Overview -------- OpenContrail (www.opencontrail.org) is a fully featured Software Defined Networking (SDN) solution for private clouds. It supports high performance isolated tenant networks without requiring external hardware support. It provides a Neutron plugin to integrate with OpenStack. This charm is designed to be used in conjunction with the rest of the OpenStack related charms in the charm store to virtualize the network that Nova Compute instances plug into. This subordinate charm provides the Nova Compute vRouter component which contains the contrail-vrouter-agent service. Only OpenStack Icehouse or newer is supported. Juju 1.23.2+ required. Usage ----- Nova Compute, Contrail Configuration and Keystone are prerequisite services to deploy. Nova Compute should be deployed with legacy plugin management set to false: nova-compute: manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false Once ready, deploy and relate as follows: juju deploy neutron-contrail juju add-relation nova-compute neutron-contrail juju add-relation neutron-contrail:contrail-discovery contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery juju add-relation neutron-contrail:contrail-api contrail-configuration:contrail-api juju add-relation neutron-contrail keystone Install Sources --------------- The version of OpenContrail installed when deploying can be changed using the 'install-sources' option. This is a multilined value that may refer to PPAs or Deb repositories. Control Node Relation --------------------- This charm is typically related to contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery. This instructs the Contrail vRouter agent to use the discovery service for locating control nodes. This is the recommended approach. Should the user wish to use vRouter configuration that specifies the location of control nodes explicitly, not using the discovery service, they can relate to a contrail-control charm: juju add-relation neutron-contrail contrail-control Nova Metadata ------------- To use Nova Metadata with Nova Compute instances, a metadata service must first be registered. Registration allows OpenContrail to create the appropriate network config to proxy requests from instances to a nova-api service on the network. Option 'local-metadata-server' controls if a local nova-api-metadata service is started (per Compute Node) and registered to serve metadata requests. It is the recommended approach for serving metadata to instances and is enabled by default. Alternatively, relating to a charm implementing neutron-metadata interface will use this external metadata service: juju add-relation neutron-contrail neutron-metadata-charm contrail-configuration charm also needs to be related to the same charm to register the metadata service: juju add-relation contrail-configuration neutron-metadata-charm Virtual Gateways ---------------- For launched instances to be able to access external networks e.g. the Internet a gateway is required that allows virtual network traffic to traverse an IP network. For production setups, this is typically a hardware gateway. For testing purposes OpenContrail provides a software gateway (Simple Gateway) that runs on Compute Node(s) and provides this function. Option 'virtual-gateways' allows specifying of one or more software gateways. The value is a YAML encoded string using a list of maps, where each map consists of the following attributes: project - project name network - network name interface - interface to use (will be created) subnets - list of virtual subnets to route routes - list of routes gateway will make available to virtual subnets, selects all routes For example to create a gateway for virtual subnet on 'admin:public' network using local interface vgw for routing: juju set neutron-contrail \ "virtual-gateways=[ { project: admin, network: public, interface: vgw, subnets: [ ], routes: [ ] } ]" Previously specified gateways will be removed. The routing of external IP networks needs to be updated if virtual network traffic will traverse it. Traffic flow from the IP network should be directed to one of the Compute Nodes. For example a static route could be added to the router of the Compute Node network: // assuming it's a linux box sudo ip route add via The virtual-gateways option can be used with 'floating-ip-pools' option of the contrail-configuration charm to create a typical Neutron setup of launched instances attached to a private network, each with an assigned public/external floating IP. Using the running example above, you would use Neutron to create an external network with subnet and a private network of You would set the virtual-gateways option (as above) and the floating-ip-pools option. You would attach launched instances to the private network and then assign them floating IPs from the external network. vRouter will automatically perform 1:1 NAT of an external address to a private one. (Note: security groups may still need to be updated to allow traffic flow).