Overview -------- OpenContrail (www.opencontrail.org) is a fully featured Software Defined Networking (SDN) solution for private clouds. It supports high performance isolated tenant networks without requiring external hardware support. It provides a Neutron plugin to integrate with OpenStack. This charm is designed to be used in conjunction with the rest of the OpenStack related charms in the charm store to virtualize the network that Nova Compute instances plug into. This subordinate charm provides the Neutron API component which configures neutron-server for OpenContrail. Only OpenStack Icehouse or newer is supported. Usage ----- Neutron API, Contrail Configuration and Keystone are prerequisite services to deploy. Neutron API should be deployed with legacy plugin management set to false: neutron-api: manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false Once ready, deploy and relate as follows: juju deploy neutron-api-contrail juju add-relation neutron-api neutron-api-contrail juju add-relation neutron-api-contrail contrail-configuration juju add-relation neutron-api-contrail keystone Install Sources --------------- The version of OpenContrail installed when deploying can be changed using the 'install-sources' option. This is a multilined value that may refer to PPAs or Deb repositories.