#!/usr/bin/env python import grp import os import pwd import unittest import jujubigdata class TestDistConfig(unittest.TestCase): """ Test that the ``dist.yaml`` settings were applied properly, such as users, groups, and dirs. This is done as a remote test on the deployed unit rather than a regular test under ``tests/`` because filling in the ``dist.yaml`` requires Juju context (e.g., config). """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): config = None config_dir = os.environ['JUJU_CHARM_DIR'] config_file = 'dist.yaml' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(config_dir, config_file)): config = os.path.join(config_dir, config_file) if not config: raise IOError('Could not find {} in {}'.format(config_file, config_dir)) reqs = ['vendor', 'hadoop_version', 'groups', 'users', 'dirs'] cls.dist_config = jujubigdata.utils.DistConfig(config, reqs) def test_groups(self): for name in self.dist_config.groups: try: grp.getgrnam(name) except KeyError: self.fail('Group {} is missing'.format(name)) def test_users(self): for username, details in self.dist_config.users.items(): try: user = pwd.getpwnam(username) except KeyError: self.fail('User {} is missing'.format(username)) for groupname in details['groups']: try: group = grp.getgrnam(groupname) except KeyError: self.fail('Group {} referenced by user {} does not exist'.format( groupname, username)) if group.gr_gid != user.pw_gid: self.assertIn(username, group.gr_mem, 'User {} not in group {}'.format( username, groupname)) def test_dirs(self): for name, details in self.dist_config.dirs.items(): dirpath = self.dist_config.path(name) self.assertTrue(dirpath.isdir(), 'Dir {} is missing'.format(name)) stat = dirpath.stat() owner = pwd.getpwuid(stat.st_uid).pw_name group = grp.getgrgid(stat.st_gid).gr_name perms = stat.st_mode & ~0o40000 self.assertEqual(owner, details.get('owner', 'root'), 'Dir {} ({}) has wrong owner: {}'.format(name, dirpath, owner)) self.assertEqual(group, details.get('group', 'root'), 'Dir {} ({}) has wrong group: {}'.format(name, dirpath, group)) self.assertEqual(perms, details.get('perms', 0o755), 'Dir {} ({}) has wrong perms: 0o{:o}'.format(name, dirpath, perms)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()