import os from socket import gaierror, gethostbyname, gethostname from subprocess import Popen, check_call import jujuresources from charmhelpers.core import hookenv, templating from charmhelpers.core import host from charmhelpers.core import unitdata from jujubigdata import utils from jujubigdata.relations import Zookeeper # Extended status support # We call update_blocked_status from the "requires" section of our service # block, so be sure to return True. Otherwise, we'll block the "requires" # and never move on to callbacks. The other status update methods are called # from the "callbacks" section and therefore don't need to return True. def update_blocked_status(): if unitdata.kv().get('', False): return True if not Zookeeper().connected_units(): hookenv.status_set('blocked', 'Waiting for relation to apache-zookeeper') elif not Zookeeper().is_ready(): hookenv.status_set('waiting', 'Waiting for Zookeeper to become ready') return True def update_working_status(): if unitdata.kv().get('', False): hookenv.status_set('maintenance', 'Updating configuration') return hookenv.status_set('maintenance', 'Setting up Apache Kafka') def update_active_status(): unitdata.kv().set('', True) hookenv.status_set('active', 'Ready') def clear_active_flag(): unitdata.kv().set('', False) # Main Kafka class for callbacks class Kafka(object): def __init__(self, dist_config): self.dist_config = dist_config self.resources = { 'kafka': 'kafka-%s' % host.cpu_arch(), } self.verify_resources = utils.verify_resources(*self.resources.values()) def fix_hostname(self): # ensure hostname is resolvable hostname = gethostname() try: gethostbyname(hostname) except gaierror: check_call(['sed', '-E', '-i', '-e', '/[[:blank:]]+/a \\\n127.0.1.1 ' + hostname, '/etc/hosts']) def is_installed(self): return unitdata.kv().get('kafka.installed') def install(self, force=False): if not force and self.is_installed(): return self.fix_hostname() self.dist_config.add_users() self.dist_config.add_dirs() self.dist_config.add_packages() jujuresources.install(self.resources['kafka'], destination=self.dist_config.path('kafka'), skip_top_level=True) self.setup_kafka_config() unitdata.kv().set('kafka.installed', True) def setup_kafka_config(self): ''' copy the default configuration files to kafka_conf property defined in dist.yaml ''' default_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka') / 'config' kafka_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') kafka_conf.rmtree_p() default_conf.copytree(kafka_conf) # Now remove the conf included in the tarball and symlink our real conf # dir. we've seen issues where kafka still looks for config in # KAFKA_HOME/config. default_conf.rmtree_p() kafka_conf.symlink(default_conf) # Configure immutable bits kafka_bin = self.dist_config.path('kafka') / 'bin' with utils.environment_edit_in_place('/etc/environment') as env: if kafka_bin not in env['PATH']: env['PATH'] = ':'.join([env['PATH'], kafka_bin]) env['LOG_DIR'] = self.dist_config.path('kafka_app_logs') # note: we set the below to the public_address # to ensure that external (non-Juju) clients can connect to Kafka public_address = hookenv.unit_get('public-address') private_ip = utils.resolve_private_address(hookenv.unit_get('private-address')) kafka_server_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / '' service, unit_num = os.environ['JUJU_UNIT_NAME'].split('/', 1) utils.re_edit_in_place(kafka_server_conf, { r'^*': '' % unit_num, r'^port=.*': 'port=%s' % self.dist_config.port('kafka'), r'^log.dirs=.*': 'log.dirs=%s' % self.dist_config.path('kafka_data_logs'), r'^#?*': '' % public_address, }) kafka_log4j = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / '' utils.re_edit_in_place(kafka_log4j, { r'^kafka.logs.dir=.*': 'kafka.logs.dir=%s' % self.dist_config.path('kafka_app_logs'), }) # fix for lxc containers and some corner cases in manual provider # ensure that public_address is resolvable internally by mapping it to the private IP utils.update_etc_hosts({private_ip: public_address}) templating.render( 'upstart.conf', '/etc/init/kafka.conf', context={ 'kafka_conf': self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf'), 'kafka_bin': '{}/bin'.format(self.dist_config.path('kafka')) }, ) def configure_kafka(self): # Get ip:port data from our connected zookeepers if Zookeeper().connected_units() and Zookeeper().is_ready(): zks = [] for unit, data in Zookeeper().filtered_data().items(): ip = utils.resolve_private_address(data['private-address']) zks.append("%s:%s" % (ip, data['port'])) zks.sort() zk_connect = ",".join(zks) # update consumer props cfg = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / '' utils.re_edit_in_place(cfg, { r'^zookeeper.connect=.*': 'zookeeper.connect=%s' % zk_connect, }) # update server props cfg = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / '' utils.re_edit_in_place(cfg, { r'^zookeeper.connect=.*': 'zookeeper.connect=%s' % zk_connect, }) else: # if we have no zookeepers, make sure kafka is stopped self.stop() def run_bg(self, user, command, *args): """ Run a Kafka command as the `kafka` user in the background. :param str command: Command to run :param list args: Additional args to pass to the command """ parts = [command] + list(args) quoted = ' '.join("'%s'" % p for p in parts) e = utils.read_etc_env() Popen(['su', user, '-c', quoted], env=e) def restart(self): self.stop() self.start() def start(self): host.service_start('kafka') def stop(self): host.service_stop('kafka') def cleanup(self): self.dist_config.remove_users() self.dist_config.remove_dirs()